Be Work Optional And Have The Best Job

The best job to have is one that you do not need. The reasons are easily apparent if you think about it.  The less reliant you are on your job, the more comfortable you can be in the workplace. When your job is optional, your boss and those above you cannot take advantage of you. If they try, you can simply quit. Essentially, with work optional, you can make ongoing decisions that are in your best interest. If you are an employee, it is important to remember, no matter how much they love you, you are replaceable.

If you do not believe me, consider the rapid layoffs that have occurred in 2022. Think of those twitter employees in 2022. From top to bottom, you are replaceable. Your employment is at the whim of someone else. If your livelihood does not depend on your job, you are free.  Aim to be work optional.

Being An Employee

In the United States, for many, employment is at will. Which means for any reason, the company can fire you. It is that easy. If someone does not like you, you can be replaced. Many companies, to avoid a law suit for discrimination or retaliation, will build a case for removing employees before actually firing them.

When building a case, companies and their agents, yes your manager, will become more vocal against you. All your missteps will be documented. If you are late for a meeting, no matter the reason, it will be noted. Someone does not like your tone, it will be documented. If you disagree with others, the company will view you as not being a team player. You will begin to hear criticisms. The aim here is to let you know that you are not doing a good job such that when you are let go you do not think to sue.

But some companies build cases in a more blatant way. You may have received great reviews previously, and all of a sudden a bad review. That should be a warning signal to prepare yourself. Sometimes, you may have absolutely no contact with your manger or supervisor and they drop a bad review on you. In some of these cases, the managers will actually blame employees for the lack of contact. 

The Elon Musk Situation

You may encounter an Elon Musk situation. You may be in the unfortunate situation where another company buys your employer. Your role may be redundant. In these cases, all your good will and hard work goes out the door. The new owner will view you as a cost center. The point is, if your company wants to get rid of you, they will. 

Protecting Yourself

As life is unpredictable, plan ahead and protect yourself. At least from the financial stand point, the best way to do this is by becoming  work optional. This way, no matter what your boss or your bosses boss decides, you will be ok. 

If you lose your job today, how would your life change? If you have a family, this is a question that you should be thinking about often. Do you have enough in an emergency fund? How far are you away from financial independence? Instead of rushing back into a job that you may not like, can you take your time and find something that you like to do? Another question is, was your job optional.

Work Optional

Work optional is another way of noting that you are financially independent. By being financially independent, you can work if you choose to, or not. You are work optional. If you have a job, the job is optional. If you happen to be fired, you can pick up your things and graciously exit your job and sit at home if you need to. Strive to be work optional.


The best job to have is one that you do not need. The reasons are easily apparent if you think about it.  The less reliant you are on your job, the more comfortable you can be in the workplace. When your job is optional, your boss and those above you cannot take advantage of you. If they try, you can simply quit. Essentially, with work optional, you can make ongoing decisions that are in your best interest. If you are an employee, it is important to remember, no matter how much they love you, you are replaceable.

If you do not believe me, consider the rapid layoffs that have occurred in 2022. Think of those twitter employees in 2022. From top to bottom, you are replaceable. Your employment is at the whim of someone else. If your livelihood does not depend on your job, you are free.  Aim to be work optional.

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