Generational wealth

Building Generational Wealth: Part 1

At a certain point, we should take a step back and stop thinking about ourselves, and begin to think about our legacy. We should begin to think and live in such a way so as to build generational wealth. Luckily, if you are living a life with your financial future in mind, building generational wealth does not take much effort. Just keep on doing what you are currently doing. Know that each action you take today is not just for you, it is for those who will come after you. Build a stable foundation and provide a spring board for those who come after.

Generational Wealth Begins With You

No matter how rich or poor you are today, building generational wealth begins with you. If you are wealthy, learning how to grow, maintain and not completely erode your wealth is important. If you are poor, start today to build a stable foundation. Rich or poor, to build generational wealth, you must have something to pass on to the next generation. It takes, saving, investing and reducing your debt. The same concepts relevant to you building wealth, are vital for keeping and passing on wealth.

Increase Your Wealth

When it comes to saving money, the math will never work if your expenses are higher than your income. To reduce expense, consider moving to a smaller home to reduce rent/mortgage, moving closer to work to reduce the cost of commuting, bringing your lunch to work, stop/reduce eating out, cut your cable or other subscription costs. But do not forget the other side of the equation.

To increase wealth, do not only reduce debt, also increase your income. For example, work toward a raise, invest in your education and return to school/learn a skill to get a better position or research a side hustle that may provided additional income? The goal is to increase your income such that your income is higher than your expenses. 

Begin Saving

If you have gotten your income above your expenses, it is time to save. Many fall into the trap of spending their disposable income each month. Do not fall into this trap, remember, your goal is generational wealth, not to simply reduce your expenses and increasing your income. Your goal is to save and grow your wealth. So save your money.

There are a number of tools available that facilitates saving money. For example, you can automate your savings by automatically transferring money from your pay to a savings account or you may save in a high yield savings account that provides higher interest rates than the typical brick and mortar banks. Research the options available to maximize and grow your savings. Further, to consistently save, while it is not required, a budget may provide a financial guide.

Saving Money And Your Future

Now that you are saving, do look towards the future and your financial health. Look to paying off debts, investing, and contributing to your retirement. Saving is only the first step on the path to growing financially and financial independence.

Generational Wealth Is Built On Investing

Generational wealth is built on investing. Investing in your future is an extension of investing in yourself. Once you begin to look to the financial markets, look to learning more about the opportunities that are available to you. Educate yourself.


No matter your age, begin thinking about your retirement and related investment options. In thinking about your retirement, you will no doubt hear about traditional IRAs, roth IRAs, SEP, roth 401Ks, 401Ks, 403Bs, 457Bs and TSPs to name a few. Do not simply get lost in the alphabet soup of different retirement plans. Do your due diligence. An investment in your retirement plan education is invaluable to your financial future.

Do Not Give Up Free Money 

If you have access to an employer match, take advantage. Employer 401K match can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In one instance, the employer will match a portion of your contribution up to a limit. Typically, this limit is represented as a percentage of your salary. In some instances, an employer may match your contribution if you contribute or irrespective of if you contribute.

If your employer provides a 401K match only if you contribute to your 401K, ensure that you are contributing at least up to that threshold. An employer 401K match is free money. Take advantage. Free money will only turbo charge your journey to building generational wealth.

Generational Wealth Is Investing In The Future

Generational Wealth
Generational Wealth

Think about your legacy, your children and their future. To put your kids on the right path and build generational  wealth, think about a 529 plan. By contributing to a 529 plan, you are able to offset some or all costs associated with a college education. In many States, two 529 plans are available, an investment plan or a prepaid plan.

  • The investment plan allows you to contribute by buying and selling shares offered by the State or the State’s agent (similar to investing in the stock market).
  • The prepaid plan is based on the cost of attending a college. Here, you are prepaying the cost of attendance.

While 529 plans are not deductible on your federal tax filings, many States allow you to deduct a set portion of your 529 contribution from your State tax filings. Essentially, your State may be helping you to build generational wealth.


At a certain point, we should take a step back and stop thinking about ourselves, and begin to think about our legacy. We should begin to think and live in such a way so as to build generational wealth. Luckily, if you are living a life with your financial future in mind, building generational wealth does not take much effort. Just keep on doing what you are currently doing. Know that each action you take today is not just for you, it is for those who will come after you. Build a stable foundation and provide a spring board for those who come after.

In part 2, we will discuss how to maintain wealth.

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Father's Day

Have The Father’s Day Money Talk

For father’s day, instead of falling into the commercialization trend, let’s make our fathers proud. Have a father’s day money talk. This talk will not only impact your father and show him that you are thinking about his future, but will also help you organize yourself to better care for him.  Buying shirts, cards, or tools is a nice gesture. But having a financial chat with dad is impactful. Be impactful on this father’s day and show dad how much you truly care.

The Sacrifice

On this father’s day, remember the financial sacrifices that your father has made over time. Think back to how much your father worked and his pains. Yet, he continued on. While you are at it, it should become very clear why some people stay at jobs that they hate. At times, some people will stay at jobs that they hate in the name of love and responsibility. He did it for you.

Father’s Day And Financial Education

Many have the luck of having a dad that inspires. For some, this is manifested in financial success or the search for financial success based on lessons learned. For example, save, invest, live below your means. It may be in the form of literal education or an education based on observation. Was it his struggle or was it his drive and position as an authoritative figure who did what was best for the family that motivates you to become financially independent? For some, it was the unfortunate mismanagement of finances that provided the teaching lessons that motivates today. Whatever your reason, I am confident that your father contributed and continues to contribute to your reasons for reading a financial independence blog and this article.

While your father may not be your biological father in the context of the man who took care of you, we all have a father, show him that you care.

Father's Day
Happy Father’s Day

Having The Father’s Day Talk

With all that your father has done to influence your financial life, it is time to have a father’s day money talk. Check on his current financial situation and his future plans. Although it may be difficult to talk to family about money, it is important to start.

Previous generations had the now acclaimed three legs to their retirement stool: (1) personal savings, (2) social security and (3) a company pension. Over the years, the three legs have been significantly weakened.

First, many have very little to no personal savings; second, as it currently stands, the social security program is teetering on the edge of insolvency; and  third, for the most part, company pensions are a thing of the past. Taken together, the baby boomer generation have little saved for retirement, no pension plan and are dependent on social security. This is the reason for the talk.

The Talk

To have the money talk with dad, there is no reason to be aggressive. Do not forget that it is father’s day. If you approach your father’s finances aggressively, your father is likely to get defensive. The point here is to begin a conversation or continue the conversation such that you know where your dad is financially. More importantly, these conversations will aid your financial planing.

We cannot control what another person does, especially our parents. However, if we can make them aware of potential issues that may be on the horizon, maybe they can and will take action to change course. 

The fact is, you as the child may be responsible for your parents during retirement. It is important that you begin taking steps to mitigate the impact on your financial future by talking to your dad this father’s day. 

The Best Father’s Day Gift

For most of us, as adults, it becomes a struggle to get the perfect gift for dad. Guess what, you have most likely provided a lot of his material wants over the years. There are only so may cruises, trips, tools, shirt or gadgets that you can gift dad. At this point, the best father’s day gift may be just showing that you care by having an important conversation. Instead of gifting something that will be used for only a day or a month, have an impactful financial conversation.


For father’s day, instead of falling into the commercialization trend, let’s make our fathers proud. Have a father’s day money talk with dad. This talk will not only impact your father and show him that you are thinking about his future, but will also help you organize yourself to better care for him.  Buying shirts, cards, or tools is a nice gesture. But having a financial chat with dad is impactful. Be impactful on this father’s day and show dad how much you truly care.

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Amazon prime day

On Amazon Prime Day, Ask These Three Questions

It is back. Yes, it is that time of the year again, it is amazon prime day. The annual two day deal event that is exclusively for prime members. But before you hit the checkout button and reach into your wallet or bag for your credit card, ask yourself the following three questions. Do I really need this item? Can I afford it? How many days will I have to work to pay for this item. Do not buy just to buy, be intentional and logical with your purchases. It is your hard earned money after all. 

Amazon prime day
On amazon prime day, think before you spend

Do I Really Need This Item

So often we buy items because we think we need it. But do we really understand what is a need versus a want? Generally, a need is something that is a necessity or essentially required for life. For example, food, water, and shelter are needs. In some instances, the list can be much broader depending on your specific situation. But if you are hoping to take advantage of an amazon prime day deal, it is likely that the item you are planing to buy is in the category of a want. 

A want is something unnecessary but desired. For example, while you may need a car, do you need a luxury car? We all need shelter, but do you need the home that is at the top of your budget? Do you really need the new fancy gadget for your grill or your car? The answer is no. It is not a need, just a want. What is actually interesting is that a lot of times, we may desire an item, but once we have that item, we will rarely use that item.

Many factors contribute to your wants. Did you fall victim to a commercial or was it something you saw in your neighbor’s yard? Your want for an item may also be a matter of the fear of missing out. The fear of missing out will at times push us to buy when we need not do so. Before pulling the trigger on a purchase, remember not to buy just because something is on sale. Assess whether or not the item is a need. Does it make sense? For all you know, next week, the special sale that appears on amazon prime day will be back. Do not allow a manufacture sense of scarcity and pressure force you to make a purchase.

Can I Afford Amazon Prime Day

When thinking about taking advantage of amazon prime day, always ask the question of can I afford it. No matter what the sale prize is or the discount percentage, ensure that you can afford it. Being able to afford something is very different from being able to purchase the item. You can use credit to purchase just about anything. But can you actually afford what you are buying.

Do not be tempted to put something on a credit card that you cannot afford. You do not want to have an amazon prime day purchase made this year that is not paid in full next amazon prime day. Credit cards are expensive. Take a look at your interest rate. Ensure that if you make a purchase on credit, you are able to pay it off in full without having to pay interest.

Can you afford your next purchase? Be honest with yourself. If the answer is no, know that it is ok. Because there is a sale does not mean that you have to buy. Keep your financial future in mind.

How Many Days Will I Have To Work To Pay For Amazon Prime Day

It is a question that is rarely asked but should be asked before every major purchase, especially on amazon prime day. The question is, how many days will I need to work to pay for this item? For example, if the item costs $500, and you are paid $30 an hour, it will take you 16 hours of work to pay off the item, two days of work. If you are making significantly less than $30 an hour, you may have to work for over a week to pay for the item. Now consider if the item or items total over $500, it may take you a lot longer than a week.

Now, is this item that you are thinking of purchasing worth a week of work? Is it worth it? If the item is a need, then it likely is. However, if you are about to purchase a want, take into account the costs. With regard to costs, consider not only the money, but also your time.

Before you consider making a purchase on amazon prime day, ensure that you are not succumbing to a manufacture sense of scarcity and pressure.

Amazon prime day
On amazon prime day, don’t forget that it’s your money


Amazon prime day is here again. The annual two day deal event that is exclusively for prime members. Before you hit the checkout button and reach into your wallet or bag for your credit card, ask yourself the following three questions. Do I really need this item? Can I afford it? How many days will I have to work to pay for this item. Do not buy just to buy, be intentional and logical with your purchases. After all, it is your hard earned money. 

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Compounding interest

Compounding Interest, It’s Magic!

Do you like free money? What about increasing your wealth over time by doing absolutely nothing? I figure that your response to both is yes and yes. Well, I am here to tell you about the so-call eighth wonder of the world, “compounding interest.” It is simple, very logical and does not take much to understand or implement as part of your financial toolkit. In many cases, it is automatic. It is the reason why you should start saving and or investing early, and the reason it is never too late to get on the right financial track. By understanding compounding interest today, you can be financially secure tomorrow.

What Is Compounding Interest

Compounding interest is the addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit. In the context of saving, this is the reason why it is so important to start saving and or investing early. In its simplest form, it is interest upon interest. It is a beautiful thing when you are saving and investing. However, compounding interest can be detrimental if you are in debt.

Compounding Interest As An Asset

As an example, if you earn 8% return on your savings/investment on a yearly basis, after the first year you will have a total of your initial amount plus 8% of that initial amount. If you began with $100, you will have $108 at the end of year 1. However, look at what occurs over time. At the end of year two, you will have the amount at the end of year 1 plus 8% of that amount. Essentially, you have earned interest upon interest. In our example, you would now have approximately $116 at the end of year 2. At the end of year 3, 4 and 5, you would have approximately $126, $136 and $146 respectively. In 5 years, you would have earned $46 just by saving/investing.

Imagine if over that 5 year period you continued to save and or invest to grow your principal. Your return would be significantly more. Compounding interest is the reason why someone who saves and or invest at the age of 25 to 35 and stop will likely have significantly more for retirement than those who invest significantly more from 35 to 55.  Compounding interest is the reason for a number of sayings, for example “it is not timing the market, it is time in the market.” With compounding interest, time makes all the difference.

To drive this point further home, in our example, in 20 years your $100 principal would turn into $466. If the total after 10 years is not impressive enough, in 50 years, your return would be a whopping $4,690. This total is from having $100 growing without contributing anything additional. Crazy isn’t it? Check out the US securities and exchange commissions’ Compounding Interest Calculator. Play around with the numbers, and see what happens when you not only save/invest, but also continue to do so over time.

Compounding Interest

Compounding Interest As A Liability

In the context of debt, compounding interest is the reason why it is so important to eliminate debt early. It is the reason why your student loan balance increases while you are still in school or in forbearance. It is also the reason why you hear so many stories of folks who have been paying down debt for years and have made no progress. How do you pay minimum payments on a debt for 10 years and still owe more than the original amount? The answer is simple, the answer is compounding Interest. 

The interest rate on your debt matters, and so does the time that you take to pay it off. Compounding interest is why you are typically advised to pay more than the minimum payment on debt. The faster you pay off your debt, the less time there is for the interest to compound, the less total debt you will have to pay.

Your Advantage

Now that we have tackled the issue of what is compounding interest, to have compounding interest work to your advantage, pay down debt and begin saving and or investing today. The sooner you begin to save, invest, and pay down your debt the better financial position you will be in. Compounding interest is often called the eighth wonder of the world because once the momentum begins, it is hard to stop. For better (when you save and invest) or for worst (when you are buried in debt).

Our discussion should give you the imagery of a snow ball building in size. The snow ball begins small. When small, the snowball is insignificant and can easily be stopped and disposed of. However, over time, as the snowball continues to roll downhill and  adds layers, it becomes a monster that cannot be controlled or stopped. That is compounding interest, use it to your advantage and achieve your financial goals.

Begin small, be consistent, and build over time to become financially unstoppable.


We all love simple and beneficial concepts that can be easily integrated into our life. Compounding interest is simple, very logical and does not take much to understand or implement as part of your financial toolkit. In many cases, it is automatic and works like magic. It is the reason why you should start saving and or investing early, and the reason it is never too late to get on the right financial track. By understanding compounding interest today, you can become financially unstoppable tomorrow. Journey to financial independence.

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Summer time

Summer Time Is Money Time

It is summer time again. While this time of the year is not packed with costly holidays where you risk over spending to impress another with presents, be careful. Summer can easily become a time of the year where you overspend. Summer is the time for grilling, summer vacations and out door activities. In a year of pent up demand for leaving home, the costs of this year’s summer time activities can add up very fast. Stay focus and keep your financial goals in view.

Vaccines And Summer

With covid19, the summer of 2020 was unlike any other. For the most part, we all stayed in and only mingled with those in our household. Not a lot of traveling, and not a lot of vacations. Lots of unintentional savings were made in 2020 as we spent significant time with our immediate families. For some, financial plans were derailed because of loss jobs. However, this year is a bit different when compared to last year. With the roll out of covid19 vaccines, we are moving closer and closer to normal. Mask mandates are relaxed and traveling is picking up.

As we return to normal, so will our spending. Our overspending will also likely return to  normal or accelerate. With more to spend and the deviation from the norm that was 2020, it is only natural for us to want to get back out there and enjoy this summer. But this can get very costly.

Sumer, put your feet up
Summer Time – Money Time

Cost Of Summer

If you are planning to travel, I would encourage you to take a look at airline fares and plan ahead. Travel related prices have increased significantly. While the airline industry lost  billions last year, you better believe that they are looking to profit this year. Further, with increased demand, it is likely that your travel costs will be significantly more expensive than years prior.

Hotels, are operating similarly to airlines. This year, there will be increase demand compare to 2020. Many families will try to hit the road and get out and away from home.  Overall, supply may be lower because of those business who have gone out of business due to covid19, but demand will significantly increase over last year. As supplies decrease and demand increase, prices will also increase. Further, take into account that hotels will try to make up for last year’s short fall and you will be paying a heavy price.

Now, if you are not traveling and want to stay home, the cost of meats for grilling has increased, the price of gas has increased. Again, because a number of business went out of business because of covid19, the supply chain has been disrupted. Again, the law of supply and demand means as we go back to normal, prices will rise as demand rises.

Save This Summer

You have survived covid19 and for the lucky ones, you have saved if you were able to keep employment. As we return to normal, do not forget your financial goals. While your financial goals may have been derailed or accelerated in view of the covid 19 pandemic, do not lose focus. Your actions today will be amplified tomorrow. The financial decisions you make today will affect your finical life in the future. Take steps today to rein in your spending and continue on a journey to financial independence.

If you were able to save during 2020, save during 2021. Do not stop. Maintain or increase your saving/investing rate. Know that  you are in control and if you were able to do it in 2020, you can do it in 2021. You are in control.


It is summer time again. While this time of the year is not packed with costly holidays where you risk over spending to impress another with presents, be careful. Summer can easily become a time of the year where you overspend. Summer is the time for grilling, summer vacations and out door activities. In a year of pent up demand for leaving home, the costs of this year’s summer time activities can add up very fast. Stay focus and keep your financial goals in view.

Life is what you make it. If you were able to take the steps to survive covid19, this summer, take the steps to secure your financial future and achieve financial independence.

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Pay yourself first

It’s Best To Pay Yourself First

If you are working and cannot afford to save, it may be time to take a step back and pay yourself first. From any pay check, no matter the value, it is incumbent upon you to ensure that a first portion of your pay check goes into your personal account. If you cannot trust yourself to perform this task consistently, automate. The simple fact is, if you are not paying yourself,  you are working to pay others. You are essentially building another person’s empire while neglecting your own.

Why Pay Yourself First

You should pay yourself first because if you do not, you run the risk of not paying yourself at all. Have you ever received a paycheck and after paying all your bills, you have a zero or a negative balance? Have you had money in your account after paying your bills, and that money quickly disappears due to frivolous spending? 

These situations occur when you do not pay yourself first. If you do not pay yourself first, it is likely that you will end up not budgeting and over spending, or you will simply spend what you have because you have not assign a task to that money.

By paying yourself first, it forces you to budget. For example, if your monthly salary is  $5000, and you automatically pay yourself by saving $1000, you really have $4000 to spend for that month. That $1000 makes a huge difference. You will no doubt adjust to having $4000 and will stop thinking about making $5000 per month. By having this mindset shift, you will live on $4000 and not $5000. By paying yourself first, you will force yourself to live below your means and budget accordingly.

Pay yourself first
If you are not paying yourself first,  you are working to pay others. Stop building another person’s empire while neglecting your own.

Force Budgeting

For many of us, budgeting can be difficult. It is difficult not because it is a mentally difficult task. It is typically difficult because if forces us to track our spending over a long period of time. Budgeting forces us to itemize what we are doing and forces us to be conscious of every purchasing decision. 

By paying yourself first, we are pushed to budget without actually making a budget. In the example above, if you are paying yourself $1000 per month on a $5000 monthly salary, you must now live on $4000 per month. You are in a force budget situation. You are forced to curb your lifestyle from one that spends $5000 per month to one that spends $4000 per month. This is not an easy feat for many, but it can be done. By cutting out a few items, you will be surprise by how much you can save.

If you do not budget and live beyond your means, paying yourself first becomes a moot point. The interest on your debts will easily out pace your savings. To get ahead on your financial journey, it is important to live below your means. Paying yourself first helps facilitate this mindset change.

Pay Yourself First And Build Your Empire

Let us not forget, if you pay yourself first, you are building your financial legacy and not someone else’s. Think about shopping at Walmart, buying a car, or any other consumer goods, by making that purchase your are making someone else’s family rich. If it is not the Waltons, it’s the Porsche’s or the Cargill’s, by spending you may be enriching the Dell’s or the Knight’s. You may get a fleeting enjoyment from your purchase, but someone else’s family just got your money. Your temporary satisfaction is building another family’s permanent wealth.

However, if you pay yourself first, your are building your own empire and not someone else’s. Pay yourself first and you are growing wealth. Money that you typically spend on consumer goods go to your investment/savings account. You are growing, you are opening up opportunities and will be afforded all the advantages that comes with being financially secure. Pay yourself first and lay the foundation for a financially secure future.


If you are working and cannot afford to save, it may be time to take a step back and pay yourself first. From any pay check, no matter the value, it is incumbent upon you to ensure that a first portion of your pay check goes into your personal account. If you cannot trust yourself to perform this task consistently, automate. The simple fact is, if you are not paying yourself,  you are working to pay others. You are essentially building another person’s empire while neglecting your own.

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How to negotiate a salary

How To Negotiate A Salary

At one time or another, you will have to negotiate your salary. It is not that the task is difficult, but it can be nerve racking. No matter your level, your initial negotiated salary is very important. It will be the basis from which you will gain raises over time. A miscalculation here can be very costly. Therefore, here is our how to negotiate a salary guide. If you are asking how to negotiate a salary, remember: (1) know your worth; (2) do not directly answer a question about the salary that you would accept; (3) never accept the first offer; and (4) know that your salary is only a part of your total compensation package.

How to negotiate a salary?

Know Your Worth

How to negotiate a salary 101, you must know your worth. Before you begin the job search, before you get the job offer, know your worth. Do your research. You must know the average salary for the position based on your skill level, the average range of the salary for someone of your abilities and experience for the size of the company that you will be working for. 

You must do this research. This is the only way that you can know if a proposed offer is too high or too low. In doing your research, ask your friends, look online, ask someone at the company in such a manner that they can provide you with the information needed. 

Do Not Give A Direct Answer To The Salary Question

In any interview, you will be told a range of the salary for the position. If one is not given to you, ask for the range. This gives you the bounds of the position, but do not take this as a definite range. If you are good enough, if you are attractive enough professionally, they will offer you more than that range. This is why it is so important to not give a number when asked what salary you are looking for. If answered directly, you may unintentionally lock yourself into a low salary, or turn off the employer by going too high. 

If you are asked a direct question about salary, inform the recruiter that you can negotiate on salary. This in effect continues the conversation. If the interviewers like you, they will pay you. The trick, have the recruiter give you a range. If the range is lower than what you will accept, you can negotiate up to your number if the interviewers like you. 

Never Accept The First Offer

How to negotiate a salary? One of the most important point is to never accept the first offer if the position is not a lock step position. Do not do it. Once an offer is extended, it is typically an invitation to negotiate. Never accept the first offer. If the offer is low, know what your low point is and counter above it. You will know that an offer is low based on your research.

If the offer is in your sweet spot, ask for more. If the offer is above what you think the range is, ask for more. Note that it is unlikely that any employer will match what you come back with in a counteroffer, but they are likely to meet you somewhere in the middle. As such, if your aim is $150,000 and you were offered $140,000, it is advisable to ask for above $150,000. Consider counter offering at $160,000 or above and have the potential employer meet you somewhere in the middle. Do not sell yourself short.

Remember, your first salary at a company will be the basis from which you will gain raises. So the higher your starting point, the faster your salary will grow. Also, typically, 401K packages and other benefits are based on a percentage of that salary. Do not sell yourself short.

Salary Is Not Everything

While your salary is important, it is not everything. When negotiating a salary, it is important to remember that the salary is only one part of your compensation package. If you cannot get the number that you want with regard to a salary, do not forget that you have other options as far as employers but also other areas of your compensation package to negotiate. Think about vacation days, retirement, stock, bonus, transportation and medical coverage to name a few. In some cases, a salary may be lower, however, total compensation may be higher in comparison to another job. The reason for this may be the employer’s health care plan, bonus structure, stock option and retirement plan.

While you may have a salary that is $5,000 lower than a comparably position at another company, you may have a higher 401K match percentage, higher bonus, or receive more stock. As such, while the salary may be lower, your total compensation package may be significantly higher. Therefore, before you accept a compensation package, do a full evaluation.


At one time or another, you will have to negotiate your salary. It is not that the task is difficult, but it can be nerve racking. No matter your level, your initial negotiated salary is very important. It will be the basis from which you will gain raises over time. A miscalculation here can be very costly. Therefore, here is our how to negotiate a salary guide. If you are asking how to negotiate a salary, remember: (1) know your worth; (2) do not directly answer a question about the salary that you would accept; (3) never accept the first offer; and (4) know that your salary is only a part of your total compensation package.

While every situation is different, we sincerely hope that this how to negotiate a salary guide helps you as you look for your next position. Journey to financial independence.

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Video Summary

Happy Mother's Day

Have The Mother’s Day Money Talk

For Mother’s Day, instead of falling into the commercialization trend, let’s make our mothers proud. Have a Mother’s Day money talk with mom. This talk will not only impact your mother and show her that you are thinking about her future, but will also help you organize yourself to better care for her.  Buying flowers, cards, or taking your mom out for brunch is a nice gesture. But having a financial chat with mom is impactful. Be impactful on this Mother’s Day and show mom how much you truly care.


On this Mother’s Day, remember the financial sacrifices that your mother has made. Think back to how much your mother worked or complained about her job. Yet, she continued on. While you are at it, it should become very clear why some people stay at jobs that they hate. At times, some people will stay at jobs that they hate in the name of love and responsibility. She did it for you.

Financial Education

Many have the luck of having a mom that inspires. For some, this is manifested in financial success or the search for financial success based on lessons learned. For example, save, invest, live below your means. It may be in the form of literal education or an education based on observation. Was it her struggle or was it her drive and position as an authoritative figure who did what was best for the family that motivates you to become financially independent? For some, it was the unfortunate mismanagement of finances that provided the teaching lessons that motivates today. Whatever your reason, I am confident that your mother contributed and continues to contribute to your reasons for reading a financial independence blog and this article.

Love you mom - Happy Mother's Day

Having The Mother’s Day Talk

With all that your mother has done to influence your financial life, it is time to have a Mother’s Day money talk. Check on her current financial situation and her future plans. Although it may be difficult to talk to family about money, it is important to start.

Previous generations had the now acclaimed three legs to their retirement stool: (1) personal savings, (2) social security and (3) a company pension. Over the years, the three legs have been significantly weakened.

First, many have very little to no personal savings; second, as it currently stands, the social security program is teetering on the edge of insolvency; and  third, for the most part, company pensions are a thing of the past. Taken together, the baby boomer generation have little saved for retirement, no pension plan and are dependent on social security. This is the reason for the talk.

The Talk

To have the money talk with mom, there is no reason to be aggressive. Do not forget that it is Mother’s Day. If you approach your mother’s finances aggressively, your mother is likely to get defensive. The point here is to begin a conversation or continue the conversation such that you know where your mom is financially. More importantly, these conversations will aid your financial planing.

We cannot control what another person does, especially our parents. However, if we can make them aware of potential issues that may be on the horizon, maybe they can and will take action to change course. 

The fact is, you as the child may be responsible for your parents during retirement. It is important that you begin taking steps to mitigate the impact on your financial future by talking to your mom this Mother’s Day. 

The Best Mother’s Day Gift

For most of us, as adults, it becomes a struggle to get the perfect gift for mom. Guess what, you have most likely provided a lot of her material wants over the years. There are only so may cruises, trips, massages, flowers or foods that you can gift mom. At this point, the best Mother’s Day gift may be just showing that you care by having an important conversation. Instead of gifting something that will be used for only a day, have an impactful financial conversation.


For Mother’s Day, instead of falling into the commercialization trend, let’s make our mothers proud. Have a Mother’s Day money talk with mom. This talk will not only impact your mother and show her that you are thinking about her future, but will also help you organize yourself to better care for her.  Buying flowers, cards, or taking your mom out for brunch is a nice gesture. But having a financial chat with mom is impactful. Be impactful on this Mother’s Day and show mom how much you truly care.

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When can I retire

When Can I Retire?

When can I retire? How can I retire? Where can I retire? These are questions that we all have at one point or another. Sometimes, we begin to ask ourselves these questions once we are a few years into our careers, or at a career/life crossroad. At times, we ask these questions not because we “hate” our jobs. Of course, hating your job will no doubt lead to these questions. More times than not, we ask these questions as a matter of wanting freedom. The freedom to do whatever you want. The freedom to spend the limited time you have on this planet as you want. The problem, for many of us, when can I retire is not a question that is our decision alone. The decision to retire is intricately linked to your financial ability to support your retirement.

Can you retire?

Do You Have Enough 

If you are seriously asking the question of when can I retire, you must appreciate the financial factors that are driving whether or not you can retire. How much do you have in retirement savings/investments? This includes funds that are currently in personal accounts, retirement accounts and government sponsored accounts.

With regard to personal accounts, think about savings, property and investment accounts. With regard to retirement accounts, consider your tax advantage accounts such as roth accounts, 403(b), 457(b) and 401k or related like retirement accounts.  The third component to consider is the value of your government sponsored accounts such as your social security.

Now that you have an inventory of your accounts and their value, consider how much you currently spend? What is your projected spending during retirement? When you retire, will you continue to work part-time or will this be a complete retirement? What you are trying to get an estimate on is your cost of retirement and can you afford it. Well, can you?

Location, Location, Location

You have heard this before? The three things that matter in property is location, location, location. Location not only matters when it comes to property, location also matters when it comes to your retirement. Location matters because it will significantly impact your cost of living. Consider not only the cost of goods but also healthcare and taxes. Also, I forgot, location will also impact the type of life that you will have during retirement. Do you want to be sitting on the beach or do you want to be on a farm? Again, location, location, location.

Your Health

There is no point to wealth if you do not have health. I figure you would not want to be hooked up to an I.V drip while having millions of dollars in the bank. If you do not have good health, it is likely that your retirement will be a very expensive endeavor. So have you been taking care of your health? Who will pay for your healthcare? Are you old enough to be covered by a government subsidized plan or will you be paying out of pocket for an expensive premium? This could seriously impact your retirement plans. So when you ask when can I retire, think not only about your financial health but also your literal health.

When Can I Retire?

When can you retire? Well, it depends at least on the above. It depends on what you have saved for retirement. It also depends on what government sponsored programs you are eligible for, the location where you will retire and also your health. It all matters. Once you are able to assess where you are financially, location wise and your health situation, you will have a very good view of when you can retire. Of course, no plan is perfect and life is unpredictable. Who thought we would have a pandemic in 2020 and the related impact. But as is famously stated, “a dream without a plan is a wish.” Evaluate the situation and have a plan.


When can I retire? How can I retire? Where can I retire? These are questions that we all have at one point or another. Sometimes, we begin to ask ourselves these questions once we are a few years into our careers, or at a career/life crossroad. At times, we ask these questions not because we “hate” our jobs. Of course, hating your job will no doubt lead to these questions. More times than not, we ask these questions as a matter of wanting freedom. The freedom to do whatever you want. The freedom to spend the limited time you have on this planet as you want. The problem, for many of us, when can I retire is not a question that is our decision alone. The decision to retire is intricately linked to your financial ability to support your retirement. Can you?

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Growth mindset

Adapt A Growth Mindset Today

Every once in a while, you will come across something that is so impactful that it will stop you in your tracks. Recently, it was a quote from Nelson Mandela “I never lose, I either win or learn.” The quote is simple yet profound. In reality, it represents a different way of approaching life. This quote is the foundation of a growth mindset. 

Growth mindset and fixed mindset
Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

The growth mindset is not necessarily natural. We all have fears and are prone to acting for short term gratification. We are also prone to feeling sorry for ourselves and blaming others. The growth mindset on the other hand relates to believing that your success depends on time and effort. Believing that you control your destiny. Believing that you can improve with effort and persistence. This mindset thus leads to embracing challenges, persisting through obstacles, learning from criticism and seeking inspiration in others’ success. Those having this mindset therefore believes that with time and practice, they can achieve. 

Change Your Mindset

We typically have a mix of a growth mindset and a fixed mindset (believing that certain qualities are inborn, fixed, and unchangeable). But it is up to us to take control of our lives and realize that we are in control of our actions and the resulting consequences.

It is up to us to learn from new things/experiences and to view errors as learning opportunities and only a stop on the path to achieving our full potential.

Nelson Mandela

We all know Nelson Mandela’s story. It is amazing and down right inspiring on it’s own. However, the words spoken by Nelson Mandela are truly profound. Nelson Mandela, an amazing optimist, a truly amazing man.

To view life in the context of “I never lose, I either win or learn” is the basis for continual growth.  This is the growth mindset. Viewing failure as an opportunity to learn internally pushes you to seek new experiences and challenges you to better yourself. When you believe that you can get better by challenging yourself and learning, it is easy to understand the correlation between hard work and success. Therefore, you will put in extra time and effort to gain higher achievement.

Growth Mindset In Life

Having a growth mindset in your life, generally, is a good thing. It is never a bad idea to seek knowledge and continue to learn and grow over time.  As this is a financial independence related blog, the following must be addressed. It is important to note that having a growth mindset, more specifically, in your financial life is a great attribute. 

The path to a financially secure life takes patience and the requisite need to learn from your experiences as well as others. Like anything else in life, the more you learn, the better you become. The more you learn about your financial situation, an emergency fund, saving, investing and other financial tools, the better you will become at creating a more financially secure life.


Every once in a while, you will come across something that is so impactful that it will stop you in your tracks. Recently, it was a quote from Nelson Mandela “I never lose, I either win or learn.” The quote is simple yet profound. In reality, it represents a different way of approaching life. This quote is the foundation of a growth mindset. Adapt a growth mindset and journey to financial independence.

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