Why Lottery Winners Go Broke

Why Lottery Winners Go Broke

Ever since I understood the concept that buying a lottery ticket gives you the chance of winning millions, I wanted to win the lottery. As I got older, I realized that the probability of winning was extremely low, as such, I rarely ever play. When I do play, I see it as a donation to the State’s education system as a percentage of the lottery usually funds education. For the lucky few who plays and wins, congratulations. However, for winners there is happiness, that is typically followed by sorrow and many times tragedy. It makes you wonder, why does such tragedy follow many lottery winners? Looking at the financial side, why do lottery winners go broke?

Lottery Winners Go Broke Because Of Inexperience Money

A lot of lottery winners are not math or financial whiz. The fact is, the more educated you are, the less likely you are to play the lottery. It is simple, you understand that the odds of winning is extremely low and as such you do not play.

Those who win the lottery, tends to be those playing the lottery which is in effect proportionally not the most educated with regard to finances. Most lottery winners have the issue of having a large sum of money and not knowing how to maintain it. 

Many lottery winners fall prey to their wildest financial dreams. The dream of having one or more mac mansions, new expensive cars and other toys that are wanted but not needed. With a scarcity mentality, many lottery winners are frivolous with lottery winnings. Some winners see their winnings as “free money” to be spent. While individual purchases may not put a dent in the overall winnings, they can quickly add up if winners don’t keep a close eye on what they are spending. A bigger home comes with a bigger bill to upkeep. Luxury cars come with larger insurance and repair bills.

lottery check - why lottery winners go broke

The Payout Is Not As Much As You Think

When taking the payout from the lottery, winners usually have a choice. The choice is typically between taking a lump-sum or a fixed payment overtime. If you take the lump-sum, sometimes it is only around 60-75% of the advertised prize. This can leave winners with a lot less money than they expected. Then do not forget about the taxes. In most jurisdictions, lottery winnings are taxed. As such, in the end, while you will have a huge sum of money, the sum may not be as large as others think it is. Therefore, it may be bit more difficult to rebuff family and friends when they falsely believe that you have a lot more than you actually do.

Lottery Winners Go Broke Because Everyone Knows That You Won

In many places, a condition of winning the lottery is that your name is made public. Many lotteries do require that basic information about winners are made public. For example, name, city and the amount won.

When every one knows that you won millions of dollars, you will have long lost friends and family coming out of the woodwork. They will all come calling.  Many new lottery winners will not be well equipped to say no to friends and family. Once family and friends learn of the windfall, they will have expectations of what they should be entitled to.

But also, there are complete strangers who targets lottery winners. Some with sad stories, others with investment ideas and still others who aims to rob, maim or kill lottery winners.

Typically, lottery winners go broke as a result of a million cuts. One bad investment idea or falling for one sad story will likely not completely deplete the millions won. However, not paying attention and learning to manage your money will eventually lead to bankruptcy or worst.


There is the saying that money does not buy happiness, it only amplifies who you are. A jerk before having a lot of money, will likely be a jerk with lots of money after winning the lottery. If you were previously prone to addiction prior to winning the lottery, now you are a wealthy individual who is prone to addition with the financial means to support that addiction. If you were an alcoholic before winning the lottery, you are now a very rich alcoholic. For those with addition issues or tendencies, winning the lottery and having the financial resources to support an addition habit is dangerous and can be deadly.

For those who cannot handle stress, winning the lottery will add a lot of stress. There is some stress that comes with having the money. You will like be stressed about how to maintain it, how to manage it, how to handle the constant requests for handouts, and how to face resentment (because it will come from family and friends). For many, alcohol and drugs are the remedies often sought with stress. It is not uncommon for many lottery winners to blow huge sums of their winnings on drugs and alcohol. At times, this is in an attempt to cope with their new lives as lottery winners.

Not Asking For Help

As mentioned above, many lottery winners were not finance majors in college. As such it is probably in their best interest to seek advice from qualified financial professionals. However, despite the fact that sudden wealth can cause lots of financial complications, very few lottery winners seek professional help. Very few lottery winners seek out professional advice on how to grow and or maintain their wealth. Without the requisite knowledge of how to manage such an instant inflow of funds, many lottery winners mismanage their money and go broke.


With winning the lottery or with any other instant financial windfall, be careful what you wish for. Many lottery winners go broke. By not being able to handle the stresses of winning the lottery, you could end up being a lottery winner that goes broke or worst.

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Not getting The promotion

You Did Not Get The Promotion, Now What

At some point in our lives, if you are an employee, a worker for pay, you will miss out on a promotion in view of someone else. This other person may be a current coworker or someone from outside the company. In either case, it will leave you wondering, why. Especially if you believe that the person receiving the promotion is less experienced and/or less qualified.

Be Graceful

Once a promotion has been given to another, congratulate that person. Rise above your feelings of disappointment and be professional. No matter how you may be feeling, your reputation matters. Do not come off as unprofessional or as someone who do not know how to deal with disappointment. By not being graceful or lashing out because you were passed over for a promotion, you may be confirming that you are not mature enough for the role. Be graceful, even if it is difficult.

Evaluate Why You Did Not Get The Promotion

If you missed out on a promotion, you will be hurt. This feeling is normal. It does not matter whether or not you really wanted the position or not. Just being rejected will have an effect. While you may be hurt, you must try to be objective. Was the chosen person better for the role? Where you misled about what is required for the role? Do you think that you were treated unfairly in any way?

If in the end you were objectively not the best person for the position, if you really want this position, it is time for you to add to your skillset. Work toward a direction that will get you where you need to be.

On the other hand, if you were truly the better person, find out why you did not get the role. Is there a bit of favoritism or some other isms at play? Did you have the credentials, but others did not believe that you were qualified or ready? If this is the situation, it may be time to begin advocating for yourself. Begin to show who you really are and what you know. At times, the most qualified person may not get the position. The role typically goes to those who promote themselves. Lots of idiots have been promoted because they know how to play the game.

Ask For Feedback

Ask for feedback. If you did not get a role that you believe that you are qualified for, ask for feedback. Note that most managers are terrible at giving feedback, so try to read between the lines. At times, when you ask for feedback, your manager may justify the case for the other person being promoted, without actually giving you the feedback you asked for. So read between the lines. 

Some managers will provide adequate feedback and provide a roadmap to being promoted.  This rarely occurs, but it does. When you have such a manager, you are very lucky. You are more so lucky if the roadmap provided actually leads to a promotion.

Some managers will flat out tell you that you did not get the promotion because you are needed in your current role. If this happens to you, it may be time to leave. It essentially means that you are too good at your job. The company is not incline to promote you and train two people to do your work, when they can simply keep you at that position.

Some managers may even say that you will be up next or there was a business need for a specific skillset or there will be more opportunities in the near future. It will really be up to you to believe if this is truly the case or not. Many employees have been strung along in the past with the promise of a position opening up or an opportunity that is just on the horizon. Be careful in how you approach these promises. Many times, these promises are only lip service for you to calm down and to move beyond your disappointment.

Review The Landscape

In your evaluation of why you did not receive the promotion, review the landscape. Were you best placed for the role? For example, were you told not to apply, encourage not to apply or told that there are certain requirements but then the chosen individual did not fit the announced requirements? There could be more at play here.

Take a step back and look at the individuals in the role that you did not receive. The requirements posted about the role may just be a preference but not really a requirement. The most important characteristics may not actually be posted. By looking at who previously occupied the role, or who currently occupies that role, you can gain a lot of information. 

Some corporations have a certain type that is elevated to certain positions. That may be education level, select schooling, sex, race or demeanor. When you look at the role you missed out on, do you fit? This is a real question and you must be honest with yourself? If you do not fit the role, it may be time to leave as it is unlikely that you will ever be elevated to that position.

Improve Yourself

If you received a road map that will lead to a promotion, if you believe that the recommended action would lead to a promotion, follow that path. Also, seek to improve yourself for the job you want with your current company but also for another company. Work to improve yourself not only for a promotion but also to better yourself. Take additional classes in an area. Volunteer for new assignments. Work across departments. Make your resume the best it can be for your future role or new job that you may be interviewing for in the near future.

Didn’t Get The Promotion, Leave!

If you believe that you were wronged, or you see your non promotion as a pattern of activities, begin your task of leaving. Many times when we work for a company, we may hear stories and rumblings of who is being promoted. It may not bother you at first because it was not affecting you, but once it affects you directly, you may see things a bit differently. If you are in this situation, know that this is how your company works, and they will likely not change. As such, it may be time for you to leave.

This does not mean announcing that you will leave or making an ultimatum. Simply prepare your resume and improve yourself. Over the next few months, keep an eye on job openings and apply. When the time is appropriate give your two weeks notice and move on. There is no reason for you to stay in a toxic environment. Especially if your non promotion begins to impact your mental health.

At times, once you give your two weeks notice, you may be offered a higher salary, you may even be offered a new role. Whether or not you stay at your current company or leave is up to you. But note and keep in mind what it took for the company to come up on your salary or offer you the new role. You had to threaten to leave. Will this be required going forward? This also does not bode well for you when times are hard and the company performs a reorganization to cut headcount, it is highly likely that you will be cut.


At some point in our lives, if you are an employee, a worker for pay, you will miss out on a promotion in view of someone else. This other person may be a current coworker or someone from outside the company. In either case, it will leave you wondering, why. Especially if you believe that the person receiving the promotion is less experienced and/or less qualified. In these situations, be graceful, evaluate why you did not receive the promotion, ask for feedback, improve yourself and if necessary, leave.

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This Is Why Athletes Go Broke

Over the years, for professional athletes, we have seen astronomical contracts that have repeatedly broken records. We have also seen the sobering news that many athletes go broke. At times, we may fall into the trap and think, how can you go broke after earning hundreds of millions of dollars? But do not forget, a lot of our sports stars are young and have never had the life experiences that would have taught them how to manage money and plan for the future. 

Athletes Go Broke Due To Short Careers

For most athletes, once they sign the big contact, the financial mistakes are immediate. Some begin spending in anticipation of the contract or is out spending once signed. This happens in some cases because like us, many athletes are aware of the superstars who have decades long careers. Many rookies believe that they will continue to play their respective sports for years to come, earning an ever increasing salary. But this is not the case.

For the National Basketball Association (NBA), the average player lasts around 4.5 years. Like many other sports, making it to the NBA is hard, staying there is even harder. For the National Football League (NFL), the average career length is about 3.3 years. Let’s take a deeper look at the NFL. On average kickers and punters last 4.9 years, quarterbacks last about 4.4 years, cornerbacks last about 2.9 years, wide receivers last about 2.8 years and running backs last a dismal 2.5 years. Those in the National Hockey League (NHL) fare a bit better and last around 5 years. The average career of a Major League Baseball (MLB) player is about 5.6 years, and soccer players have careers of about 8 years.

It is therefore unsurprising that the average retirement age for MLB players is about 29.5, 28.2 for NHL players, 28 for NBA players, and 27.6 for NFL players.

If you have no transferable skills, lack financial discipline and your career lasts only a few years, you will have financial problems. No wonder athletes go broke.

Athletes Go Broke Due To Their Contracts:

Not all sports contracts are created equal. In some leagues, it is normal for the contracts to be guaranteed, but this is not the case for others. So when a player signs a contract for hundreds of millions of dollars, depending on the league, they may never receive the full amount.

Players’ contracts are guaranteed in Major League Soccer (MLS). For the most part, NBA, MLB and NHL contracts are also fully guaranteed. However, this is not the case for the NFL. For many NFL players, only a portion of their contract is guaranteed. This is very troubling as the NFL has one of the shortest career spans of the major sports. NFL players are faced with only a few years on average of playing in the league and also not having guaranteed contracts. Don’t forget, as a contact sport, NFL players also have a very high risk of injury.

Young And Dumb

If you received 100 million dollars upon your 18th birthday, in ten years, would you have more or less. The fact is, for many of us, at the age of 18-25, our sense of money is to get it and spend it. For many, this is the period of time where we spend a lot of time trying to impress the opposite sex. 

With money, comes the expensive cars, clothing and homes. At this age, as hormones rage, it may be a matter of time before kids. For many professional athletes, kids occur outside of wedlock which leads to child support and crazy exes. Think of your twenties but to the extreme. The fact is, not many of us could manage money in our twenties.

For athletes, it is a bit worst. Everyone you know, knows that you have money. Everyone around you potentially will have their hands out or will be reaching into your pockets. For so many athletes, it was family, agents, accountants or friends that stole from them. It is no wonder about 78% of professional athletes go broke after 3 years of retirement. Some professional athletes stand very little chance of building wealth in view of the people that are around them.

Most professional athletes just do not realize until it is too late – your career will be short, and your savings must last for the rest of your life.

What Can We Learn

What we can learn from athletes is that it is not about how much money you have, it is about how much you keep and grow. If you have no financial background or do not know how to mange your money, it is likely that you will lose it. No matter if it is 10 dollars or 10 million dollars.

As you move through your career, or your many careers, learn to manage and grow your money. You should learn who to trust and set boundaries with friends and family to ensure that your financial future is secure. Be the CEO of your life and your financial position. It is your money so take responsibility for what happens to it.


Over the years, for professional athletes, we have seen astronomical contracts that have repeatedly broken records. We have also seen the sobering news that many athletes go broke. At times, we may fall in the trap and think, how can you go broke after earning hundreds of millions of dollars? But do not forget, a lot of our sports stars are young and have never had the life experiences that would have taught them how to manage money and plan for the future. 

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Wedding rings

Your Wedding Cost & Crushing Debt

It is wedding season again. It is time to overpay to join union with another. Don’t get me wrong. A wedding is a beautiful thing. However, so many overpay to show love. If you are currently planning your wedding or have planned your wedding, focus on your wedding cost and do not go into debt for your wedding. Please do not do it.

The Wedding Cost

It is no doubt an exciting time in life. Your partner asked and you said yes or vice versa. You are about to make it official, you have a wedding in your future. If you are not simply going to a court house to sign the papers, watch your wedding cost closely.

You will need to plan out how you will pay for things like your wedding venue, flowers, chairs, photographer, food, alcohol and anything else that may pop up. I do not know why, but when “wedding” is attached to any of the above, the prices explodes. You will be charged a premium.


To ensure that your wedding cost does not explode, do not make wedding decisions or purchases because it is what is expected or traditionally done. If you do what is expected, you may run yourself into financial trouble.

It is important to understand, for a wedding, everything have a cost. Further, as the guest list grows, so does the cost. As such, it is important to do what is important to you and your partner. Do what you want and what you can afford. Because in the end, you may fulfill everyone’s expectations, but you and your partner will be left with the bill. At times, this could be a very big bill.

One Day

Do not fall into the trap of believing  that your wedding day is the most important day of your life. It is a special day, but it is only one day. One day that will cost you thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars if you do not pay attention. This day may also set you on the trajectory of a divorce as well.

Remember, close to 50% of all marriages end in divorce and the number one cause of divorces tend to grow from financial issues. Starting out your marriage in substantial debt is not a good start. Further, so many couples divorce while haven’t paid off their wedding day debt. This is a cruel situation to be in, divorce and still paying off your wedding.

If your next step after marriage is kids and/or a new home, note that these are also very expensive. The better financial situation you begin your marriage in, the better. Do not ruin your financial life for a wedding.

Control Wedding Cost

To control wedding cost, consider what you could potentially change. Also consider what is right for you and your partner.

  1. Change the venue. The venue comes with a lot of costs. For example, the venue typically sets the price for a number of different aspects of the wedding. By changing your venue, you can significantly impact the cost associated with your wedding. A golf course on the ocean will have a very different cost profile as compared to a church in a small town. 
  2. Communicate. Communicate not only with your partner but also with your friends and family what your financial boundaries are. This may lower expectations and reality check your friends and family. Be upfront about your expectations of them and what it is that you want for your wedding.
  3. DIY. There are some things that you can do yourself or have a friend do. For example, taking your engagement photos. This is one task that anyone with a good camera can do. You may also choose to make your own table numbers, for example. There are a myriad of ways for you to get involve and lower the cost of your wedding.
  4. Change when you will have your wedding. There is a wedding off-season where you may be able to get a discount. Also consider having your wedding on an off-day. You could have your wedding on a Friday or another day during the week because the weekend tends to be significantly more expensive.
Wedding ceremony sign


In the end, whatever you choose to do on your big day is between you and your partner. Make decisions for your longterm future and if possible, do not go into debt for your wedding. Your financially independent future self will thank you.

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Jealous friends and your wealth

Jealous Friends And Your Wealth

While you are focus on your financial objectives, you may lose sight of one very important aspect, your friends. Based on the people around you, can you or will you be able to truly enjoy your wealth? Would your friends be happy and congratulatory of you achieving your financial objectives? Put simply, do you have jealous friends. 

Here, the assumption is that you are not purposely flaunting your wealth to belittle your friends. If you are doing this, then you are the bad friend, and your friends should be distancing themselves from you.

Money Changes Friendships

It is understandable that as time progresses the dynamics of our relationships change. Some friends will grow with you while others will grow away from you. But for those that you aspire to be apart of your life for the near and foreseeable future, how will they react to your wealth or you achieving financial independence

You will likely believe or have heard the refrain that true friends will not care. But the fact is, this is wishful thinking. Money changes the dynamics of all relationships. Just do a general search on the internet and you will see what I am talking about. As you transition in life, few of your old life will be with you in your new life.

While I know this, I do hope for you and me, that we are able to navigate achieving our goals and continue to have current friends around us that cheers us on. 


If your aim is to achieve financial independence and you have tried to balance your expenses by trying to limit your spending, you will be called cheap. You will hear it multiple times from certain friends who may not completely understand what you are doing. You will be mocked for wearing the same pants or shirts that you have had for years. You will have to endure others around you having newer things, but if you are really about attaining your goal, you will not care. 

But a funny thing happens as you get closer to your goals. All the mocking and jeering will fade away to real questions. How close are you to retiring? What do you think about this financial move, what do you think about that? Your friends will have real interest in what you are doing. They will want to get to where you are, but there is an issue. You have been sacrificing and working on this path for years while they are seeing the end results and wanting that result.

This is where issues may develop.

Real Friends

As your dreams begin to come true, your real friends will continue to cheer you on. 

What I am saying here is that if you are low key, you will continue to be low key. If you believe in stealth wealth, you will likely continue to do the same things with slight changes. If you have achieved financial independence, well, you may change jobs or begin to pursue other things. It is unlikely that you will tell your friends your net worth. However, your real friends will know that you have enough based on your actions.

But your other friends may not see it that way. They will say that you have changed. If you decide to upgrade after being frugal comments will be made. You may also be accused of thinking that you are better than others. Overtime, some friendships will become strained.

Resentment may come from comparison, sometimes it may be linked to your friends own self-esteem and the way they view themselves. Especially if you and that friend started at the same financial point or you were from a lower economic position but have now surpassed them.

Real friends or jealous friends - friends jumping in the sun
Really friends or jealous friends

Why You May Have Jealous Friends

Some friends will be jealous friends because they do not want to see others, not even a friend, do better than they are doing. Some jealous friends are jealous because they love to cause chaos. Misery loves company. But if you have friends who have been with you for a long time and they become that jealous friend, it could be a matter of envy because you had the confidence to take the risks and make the sacrifices to achieve your goals.

How To Solve Or Preempt Jealous Friends

To prevent jealous friends, be aware and have the tough conversations. As you embark on your journey to financial independence and early retirement, note that not everyone is on the same journey. Be conscious of this. While you may be ostracized at first, note that the lifestyle that you will build for your family will likely be the envy of others. 

Once you have achieved your goals, you will likely have amply free time and the financial resources to do as you choose. You will be able to travel, do a job that you want, and spend time with family. You will be able to more so do the things that will make you and your family happy. Who doesn’t want that? This is all while your friends are toiling at a job that they hate and potentially have a life that they do not want. Be conscientious of this. Be understanding.

When friends ask about what you are doing, try to be patient and explain, do not judge their lifestyles. Do not fall into the “I told you so” mantra. 

Above all, live your life as they live there’s and if a friendship needs to end, it needs to end. Do not put yourself or your family in a terrible situation to maintain a hostile friendship.


While you are focus on your financial objectives, you may lose sight of one very important aspect, your friends. Based on the people around you, can you or will you be able to truly enjoy your wealth? Would your friends be happy and congratulatory of you achieving your financial objectives? Put simply, do you have jealous friends. 

Whatever the situation, do what is best for you and your family.

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Nerds run the world

Why Nerds Run The World

Look around, think about who is making all the calls, then look behind that person. Typically, it is a nerd. For starters, look at the richest persons in the world. Look at the most powerful countries in the world, advances are made by nerds. Politically, whether you agree with one party or another, they are funded by nerds on both sides. The fact is, while there may be debates on the value of going to college, there is no doubt that nerds are running the world. Further, as we are in the computer age, nerds will continue to do so. Crypto and the metaverse are only recent examples of the power of being a nerd.

The Cool Kids

There is a saying, “he who laughs last laughs best.” For those who are intellectually gifted, this is certainly true. Cool kids have fun early in life, but it is the nerds who excel as adults. Whether your are the sports star or the cool kid that connects well with others, your early social years will be great, primarily in high school. However, for many cool kids, this will be the height of their influence. For nerds, high school is typically the last years of hell. Once high school is over, the world opens up, because intellect is valued.


Let us look at the richest people in the world. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon musk, they are all nerds. The fact is, they are at the cutting edge. They are coming up with new ideas and inventions that revolutionize the world and have in turn made them very wealthy. As is often true, money is power. With their monetary power and position, nerds are able to influence every part of life.

It is this wealth that is being used to run the world. When you have billions of dollars at your disposal, your pet projects are very impactful. Whether this is to go to space or to create a foundation to pursue a specific purpose. With funding, what is important to you become important to others. Your dreams shape the world that not only you live in, but that we all live in.

Crypto is one of the newest examples. Let us think of bitcoin that only a few years ago was worthless. Today, there are many different crypto currencies and this invention has made many millionaires. For the most part, crypto was invented by nerds and has become mainstream, making many ridiculously wealthy. We also now have NFTs, which are being sold for millions and let us not forget about the newly created metaverse. As the computer information age pushes on, nerds will continue to dominate.

Political Reach

Nerds are not only successful in the business world, but also the political world. A lot of those in political power today were not well adjusted in their earlier life. Yes, they were and still are nerds. But even if some of today’s political figures were well adjusted, look at who these politicians take their direction from. They take their direction not from the masses, but from the wealthy who are likely to be nerds. To run political campaigns, you need money. As noted above, who have the money? Nerds through their business successes have plenty of discretionary income to donate and shape the agenda of every political campaign. Even when you look to todays sport stars, look at who are employing them. Nerds are the owner of sport teams, sport arenas and are the bosses of the jocks you watch in amazement.

Why are they so successful?

Nerds flex their brains


Not being in the in crowd have a lot of advantages. You read that correctly. Not being popular can be an advantage in life. It teaches you important lessons in survival and how to be self reliant.

The fact that many nerds are not in the in crowd allow them to spend more time working on their dreams. Nerds have more time to be themselves and know themselves because they do not have to succumb to social norms. They are essentially able to figure out who they are and what they are good at and just do it. Nerds have the freedom to become experts in the difficult, the new and the cutting edge.

Further, most nerds find comfort in knowledge. So not being invited to all the parties or social activities give nerds more time to hone their skills, in this case knowledge of a subject. They become masters of a subject area. Once they are masters of a subject area and confident in their skills they are motivated to show the world.

Because many nerds have been ostracized or physically intimidated, they operate with a chip on their shoulder and have a competitive drive to prove and show how good they are. All this leads to people who are very confident at what they do once they find that thing. Often times, these nerds are some of the most ruthless individuals that you will come across. They strive to be the best and often times, do not accept failure. Think of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

These are some of the reasons why so many nerds have achieved the highest of business success, amass billions and strongly influence our every day life. 


Look around, think about who is making all the calls, then look behind that person. Typically, it is a nerd. For starters, look at the richest persons in the world. Look at the most powerful countries in the world, advances are made by nerds. Politically, whether you agree with one party or another, they are funded by nerds on both sides. The fact is, while there may be debates on the value of going to college, there is no doubt that nerds are running the world. Further, as we are in the computer age, nerds will continue to do so. Crypto and the metaverse are only recent examples of the power of being a nerd.

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What Is Inflation And Should You Care

Inflation is the overall general upward price movement of goods and services in an economy. Put it simply, when asked what is inflation, it is a general increase in prices. Why is this important, this is important because as prices rise, your purchasing power decreases. Unless you have obtained a pay increase that matches or exceeds inflation, your purchasing power is being eroded.

What Is Inflation

A simple example of inflation is the price of an item at your birth versus current prices. I can remember when a can of soda from a soda dispensing machine was only 25 cents. Today, the same soda would cost at least about $1.50. My friends, that is inflation. This also shows how much your purchasing power have decreased. 25 cents cannot purchase what it use to. As prices rise, you are able to purchase fewer goods and services with the same amount of money.

Inflation increases in prices

Why Is Inflation Important

As inflation rises, purchasing power decreases, costs of living increases, and economic growth may decrease. If prices increase and consumers cannot purchase goods and services, guess what happens next? Without a pay increase, consumers will not be able to purchase goods and services at the same rate that they did in the past. If consumers do not purchase goods and services, companies providing these goods and services will not be profitable and may begin to go into debt. Companies that do not make profits, will over time reduce staff and may eventually go out of business. As such, unemployment rises and further exacerbates economic hardships because without a job, consumers will purchase less and the cycle continues. 

What Is Inflation And Why Does It Occur

Many believe that inflation results when the money supply growth outpaces economic growth. What this means essentially is as money becomes more available prices increase. It becomes a matter of products are sold at the prices that the market is willing to pay. With increase money supply, some in the marketplace will be able to pay the increased prices, but not all. 

With income inequality, there will be a class of folks that will be able to absorb increases in prices. But when inflation rises dramatically, the effects of inflation will be more apparent. Most in the middle and the lower class will not obtain pay raises that will allow them to continue living the lives that they once did. If anything, once this cycle begins, the middle and lower class will likely be most affected. Meaning, when businesses begin to layoff workers or go out of business, the middle and the lower class will be most affected.

Winners And Losers

As asset prices increase during an inflationary period, those who own assets will likely benefit. For example, those who own precious metals, real estate, and stocks. In fact, some borrowers benefit as well if they have locked in a low interest rate. For borrowers, their asset price increases but their rates are locked in. The losers are often those on a fixed income, as they will unable to afford increase prices. But in an inflationary environment, things can change very fast as uncertainty increases.

What Is The Fix

To slow down inflation, governments typically try to reduce the money supply. This can be done in a number of ways, but one method is typically used. Increasing interest rates. As interest rates increase, it costs more to borrow money, it costs more to do business and as such, less money is in the marketplace. Of course, these policies must be balanced. 

As money in the marketplace is reduced, credit may tighten, businesses may not be able to borrow money and in fact may not be able to make pay roll or invest in growth. This may lead to a recession leading to layoffs and business closures. To put it simply, monetary policy is complex. Knowledge is power.


Inflation is the overall general upward price movement of goods and services in an economy. Put it simply, when asked what is inflation, it is a general increase in prices. Why is this important, this is important because as prices rise, your purchasing power decreases. Unless you have obtained a pay increase that matches or exceeds inflation, your purchasing power is being eroded.

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Video Summary


Friends Influence Your Success And Wealth

Show me your five closest friends and I can provide a very accurate description of you. The fact of the matter is that the friends we have not only tells us who we are generally. Our friends influence who we are and who we will become. Yes, those closest to you will impact who you will become. Peer pressure  in proximity is strong, so is the influence of mentors and leaders. Choose your friends wisely because they will influence not only your career success but also the wealth you will attain in the future.


We may deny it, but those around us have the power to influence us. We are constantly picking up on cues from those around us. These cues subconsciously inform and shape our behavior. These behaviors over time become habits, and our habits determine who we become. The influences of our friends are not only behavioral. Who we have around us affect our world view, the way we think and the way we feel about ourselves. As such, our success and in a sense our wealth in life will come down to the people we choose to spend our time with.

Think for a second about the company kept by your financial heroes. Now, contrast this with the financially illiterate and those living on the edge. The friends kept by these two groups are diametrically oppose.

At this moment, consider who are your closest friends. Think of their attributes and how these friends have affected your life. What habits do these friends have that you want? Also identify attributes that you do not wish to adapt? Mostly, do you need new friends? 


To be successful, be around successful people. If you want to be in shape, hang out with those who are healthy. If you want to be happy, surround yourself with happy people. We become those who are around us.

If you want to build wealth and become financially independent, do not have a circle of people around you who are struggling and lack financial discipline. Instead, associate yourself with positive, focused people. Be friends with those who are committed to constant improvement and the pursuit of the best in life. Have friends who will facilitate your journey to wealth and financial independence.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Remember, while you may not be able to choose your family, you do choose your friends. To be friends with another person, you must agree to have this individual in your life. And while the decision to cut people out of your life may be difficult, tough decisions must be made for you to achieve your goals. 

Be the CEO of your life and demote or fire your friends as needed to achieve your goals. If not, do not be surprise when your ambitions, goals and position in life are at the same level as those around you.

Choose your friends wisely


Show me your five closest friends and I can provide a very accurate description of you. The fact of the matter is that the friends we have not only tells us who we are generally. Our friends influence who we are and who we will become. Yes, those closest to you will impact who you will become. Peer pressure  in proximity is strong, so is the influence of mentors and leaders. Choose your friends wisely because they will influence not only your career success but also the wealth you will attain in the future.

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Retirement plan

Do not Become Someone Else’s Retirement Plan

No matter how hard you work or how much money you earn, you are only a few bad choices from finding yourself in the poor house. Sometimes, the decisions that we make are in view of perceived obligations. For example, many financial decisions are made in view of obligations to family and friends. On your path to financial independence and early retirement, do not become someone’s retirement plan.

Focus On Your Retirement Plan

As the statement goes, put on our oxygen masks first before the person next to  you, including family. This also applies to your plans for retirement. You may be able to make head way in saving toward your retirement by living below your means, saving, and investing. However, it is also easy for a family member or two to constantly ask, manipulate or steal what you have saved. The stories are easily available if you perform a simply search, and should serve as a warning.

What Is Yours Is Theirs

There are so many stories of an individual or a nuclear family making progress by living below their means, saving and investing over time. As this family rises and increases their wealth, it is only natural for families and friends to notice, and notice they will. We can try all we want to hide success, but others will notice how you live your life. While you may try to be the millionaire next door, your close family knows better. While you may drive the standard car and live in a standard house, your family will be well aware of your job and will likely have researched your salary. It is only a matter of time before assumptions are made with regard to your wealth. With assumptions, it is common for others to begin to think that what is yours is also theirs.

As knowledge of your life is shared by family and close friends, you will be seen in a different light. When financial hiccups occurs, you become their bank. If they are having issues with housing, they will show up at your door. If you do not take steps to stop the initial requests or actions, you will pay for it later.

Of course, the proximity to family and friends will matter. The closer you are to those with a specific personality type, the faster the devolution into others thinking that what is yours is theirs. The further away you are, the less interaction and the less issues you may have.

Blocking retirement plan
Do not allow others to block your financial flow

Reason Does Not Matter

It really does not matter if you and others all had the same opportunities. It does not really matter if you choose to live below your means while others live it up. You may sacrifice all you want to maintain your life and that of your family, but it is simply human nature for those around you to think and believe that what is yours is also theirs. Especially when others believe that you have more than you need or that you do not deserve what you have.

What To Do

The fact is, you must learn to say no. You cannot become someone else’s retirement plan. You must stand up for yourself and your family. Others may claim that you are mean, but you must put your oxygen mask on before others. You cannot find yourself bank rolling other peoples lives, especially if these individuals do not understand how hard you have worked for what you have. 

It is all around us. Others have nice cars, vacations and homes that dwarfs the size and costs of yours. However, these are the first to reach out for aid and have a deep seated belief that what is yours is theirs. When times are hard, why do you have so much and they have so little, even though when times were good they had more than you and in effect wasted it.

We are not saying that you should be selfish and not help others. Help others and give. Success is not achieved alone and in isolation. What we are saying is, know what you are doing. Know the consequences of your actions. Know what saying yes today will mean for tomorrow. Do not become another person’s retirement plan. Know when to say no.


No matter how hard you work or how much money you earn, you are only a few bad choices from finding yourself in the poor house. Sometimes, the decisions that we make are in view of perceived obligations. For example, many financial decisions are made in view of obligations to family and friends. On your path to financial independence and early retirement, do not become someone’s retirement plan.

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Just say no

Now, Just Say No

When was the last time that you suck it up and just say no to your children? As we move toward the next year, again we enter the season of spending. One of the major driving force behind the excessive spending during this time of the year is the effort to please our children. However, spending money that you do not have not only hurts you, it also hurts your children. By saying no and living within your needs, you will be teaching your children delayed gratification, self control and impact their future for the better.

Saying One Thing And Doing Another

It is always amazing how the same folks who announce that they do not have the funds typically have the latest and greatest. It is amazing how the co-worker who is struggling financially has the required funds to take a vacation. It is also interesting how not only do they have the latest toys and gadgets, but so do their children. Where are they getting it from? 

Let us not speculate. However, it does offer an interesting view into other people’s habits. This is not new, the act of saying one thing, yet doing another. With this in mind, why are we surprise when our children act in a similar manner?

Just Say No To Your Children

It is always difficult to tell our children no. It is difficult for us to punish them. However, at a certain point we must perform our roles as parents for their growth and development. Just as you work with your children with their school work, teaching them how to play a sport or how to be a contributing part of society, so must we say no when it is required.  Financial literacy should be apart of their development.

In the holiday season, just say no. Whenever you are asked to spend what you do not have, just say no. We understand that this is easy to say but difficult to do. This is especially the case when your children have friends who are receiving the new and latest toys. In some cases we satisfy our children’s wants to prevent a tantrum or a melt down. For many parents, it is also a matter of ensuring that their children fit in socially. However, if we are teaching our children to have what others have no matter the cost, financially and otherwise, are we really doing them a service?

If our children’s friends have the newest and most expensive phones or other electronic devices, should your children also have those items? If you cannot afford it, you must have a conversation with your children. It may be the most opportune time to discuss money and how money works.

saying no
saying no

Think Long Term

If we are purchasing material items that we cannot afford, we are not only putting our financial future in jeopardy. Our acts are also putting our children’s financial future in jeopardy as well. We are essentially teaching our children that they can purchase things that they cannot afford.  Do not be surprise by our children’s decision to put things on credit and overspend in the future. Note that our children are watching. Our children model their behaviors after what they see and hear. Believe it our not, we can have a huge influence on their future spending habits. Consider the current state of finance today, it is no wonder we have so many finically illiterate folks. 

Let us make our children’s financial literacy apart of what we are teaching. Let us act as parents. Like with school and so many other tasks, we are the parent and not your children’s friend. Let us aim to try and find a way to teach them such that they can in the future be better than we are. Let us give them the tools to make better decisions.


When was the last time that you suck it up and just say no to your children? As we move toward another year, again we enter the season of spending. One of the major driving force behind the excessive spending during this time of the year is the effort to please our children. However, spending money that you do not have not only hurts you, it also hurts your children. By saying no and living within your needs, you will be teaching your children delayed gratification, self control and impact their future for the better.

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