If You Are Feeling Broke, It’s Ok

If you are feeling broke, know that it is ok. The feeling of not doing enough or that you are behind as compared to others is a normal. As human beings, we are hard wired to compare ourselves to others. It is natural. It is also natural to feel like you are not where others are when you look at their material possessions. But keep in mind, you are typically only seeing what others are willing to show you. You are not seeing what is going on behind the scenes. Many engage in fake it till you make it and  project a wealthy facade, but are in tough financial straits. Focus on you and do not concern yourself with what others are doing.

Empty wallet
It’s ok to feel broke…. but are you?

The Story

You have likely heard a similar story, but here we go. Around the corner is a neighbor who has one of the most beautiful homes, with an up-kept yard and with hedges always cut. This neighbor has two kids, a dog and two luxury cars which are replaced every few years. The neighbors are very social in the neighborhood, for gatherings, they are the life of the party. These folks take vacations each year to exotic locations, essentially these neighbors are the envy of the neighborhood. They are the picture of the American dream. They exude confidence, money, success and privilege.

Eventually, you may begin to notice some cracks in the happiness of your neighbor and this goes one of two ways. (1) They may stop attending certain events and may downsize the cars and eventually note that they are moving because of work. (2) If they chose to keep up appearances, eventually you or another neighbor may begin to get inquiries about who lives at their home. Typically, these are the early signs of someone hunting for your neighbors assets. It may be their cars or a boat in the back yard. Eventually, one or both cars will be towed away and repossessed. Sooner or later, a sign will be placed on the home that it is in foreclosure. 

It is amazing how often this story plays out.  Keep this story in mind when you begin to think or feel broke or inadequate as compared to others.

You May Not Be As Broke As You Think

The events above is typically shocking to all and will be the subject of much gossip. Some may enjoy seeing this fall from grace but many will be left reflecting on their previously perceived short comings. The fact is simple, you only see what others want you to see. If your neighbor has luxury cars you have no idea if they are leased or owned. You have no idea if they had previously won the lottery, you also have no idea if they have inherently wealth or are up to their eye balls in debt. The moral of the story, do not compare yourself to others.

Live your own life and stay in your lane. Be happy for those who are doing well or appear that they are doing well. Know what you are doing and focus on your financial goals and not what others are doing. It is ok to feel broke, it is normal to compare yourself to others. But do not act in a manner to compete with others. Live your life. Stay in your lane.

Do You

If you are pursing early retirement, do so. While it is difficult not to compare yourself to others, keep focus on your goals. If your aim is to save 50% or more of your income, understand that you may then not have the nicest cars, fashion or take the same vacations as someone who do not save as much as you do. Just remember that we are all on different paths. You may feel broke or inadequate, but your bank account may say otherwise.

Whenever you feel financially inadequate, take a look at your assets. Look at your bank account and know that you are one day closer to your financial goals.


If you are feeling broke, know that it is ok. The feeling of not doing enough or that you are behind as compared to others is a normal. As human beings, we are hard wired to compare ourselves to others. It is natural. It is also natural to feel like you are not where others are when you look at their material possessions. But keep in mind, you are typically only seeing what others are willing to show you. You are not seeing what is going on behind the scenes. Many engage in fake it till you make it and  project a wealthy facade, but are in tough financial straits. Focus on you and do not concern yourself with what others are doing.

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