Paying Off Student Loans Is The Key To Freedom

Let’s face it, in the current education climate, student loans are here to stay. While there are some talks of reforming higher education in the United states, it is unlikely that post-secondary education will be cheaper over time, or free. While there may be some loan forgiveness in the future, a complete forgiveness of all student loans is unlikely. If you have student loans, know that there is a light at the end of the repayment tunnel. Paying off student loans can be the key to freedom.

Student Loans Are Here To Stay

In today’s world, no matter your level of education above high school, whether an associates degree, bachelor degree or a professional degree, it is highly likely that you will graduate with student loans. It has become a fact of life. This is why it is so important to think about paying off student loans. Do not fall into the trap of thinking about your student loans only following graduation. It is important to be well aware of the costs and benefits of taking out student loans before you borrow a dime.

Be Strategic

If you are strategic with your education experience, your student loans can represent the ultimate investment in yourself. It may potentially be a way to a higher paying job and life long experiences. However, student loans can be a life changing burden and a huge economic cost. Student loans can be a detriment or an accelerant to a great financial future.

Once you have accumulated your loans and have graduated, one of your biggest expenses going forward will be the monthly cost to repay your student loans. For some, this will rival mortgage costs or a car payment and can be financially crippling. In many cases, your student loans will be the barrier to freedom. Freedom to choose where you want to work and the type of work you will be doing.

Paying Off Student Loans 

With regard to your job after graduation, having a mountain of student loans can limit your decisions and opportunities significantly. Do you take a job that will help in paying off student loans at a very fast rate, take a job that pays less but is what you want to do, and if you are lucky, you will be able to do both (the perfect job). For most, the perfect job that is high paying and also focused on what you want to do is a rarity when you leave school. So the decision is frequently, (a) do you take the high paying job that may not be in your specific area of interest, or (b) earn less but enjoy your job.

Paying Off Student Loans  – Short Term Pain For Long Term Gain

While I do believe that life is short and you should enjoy your time on this planet, I would not advocate for taking the lower paying job, if it pays significantly less. Taking a high paying job that speeds up your time to freedom could be beneficial. Financial Independence takes time, the earlier you start the faster you will get there. Taking the job that accelerates paying off student loans should be considered in view of the future implications.

Do the math, if you did not have a student loan payment, how much money would you need per year to be able to live comfortably? I am not talking about living in a lap of luxury, I am talking about having a home for your family and being able to take care of your necessities and  reasonable wants. I can almost guarantee that the amount is significantly less than what you may have thought.

By obtaining employment that allows you to pay off your student loans at a faster rate, you are able to decrease your time under the thumb of a student loan payment. Whatever method or tricks you use to pay off student loans, your future will be the winner. By paying off student loans, you are able to achieve freedom, not  total financial freedom, but the freedom to move from a high stress job to one that you like and find fulfilling. The freedom to get your time back. The freedom to move locations, because a high paying job is not needed for you to survive.

Be Proactive

Instead of waiting on what the government may do with regard to student loans, be proactive and make progress in removing the ball and chain that is student loans and conquer life’s challenges. In any case, if you are aggressively paying off your student loans, if a certain amount is eventually forgiven by the government, that forgiveness will only accelerate your time to freedom from student loan debt.


Let’s face it, in the current education climate, student loans are here to stay. While there are some talks of reforming higher education in the United states, it is unlikely that post-secondary education will be cheaper over time, or free. While there may be some loan forgiveness in the future, a complete forgiveness of all student loans is unlikely. If you have student loans, know that there is a light at the end of the repayment tunnel. Paying off student loans can be the key to freedom.

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