
Financially Survive A Pandemic

As the Covid-19 pandemic expands, starting in the East and now devastating the West, governments are taking actions to limit and contain both the health and financial fallout. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are unimaginable. However, a pandemic should not change how you approach your financial future. These same principles apply during the coronavirus pandemic: live below your means, save and fund your emergency fund. By following these principles, you should be able to financially survive a pandemic.

Social Distancing

As countries and states practice social distancing, they are economically shutting down. As residences are forced to shelter in place, multiple parts of the economy shuts down. For example, the transportation industry (including airlines and taxies), the restaurant industry, and the hotel industry to name a few. As these industries shuts down, revenues are down while employees must be paid. In such a situation, unless there is some intervention, layoffs will follow. 

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Layoff Concerns

In the current environment, the prospects of layoffs should be on every employee’s mind. For these employees, next are the thoughts of providing for their families, servicing mortgages, student loans and other debts. These thoughts breed anxiety and stress. More concerning, anxiety and stress lowers the ability of the immune system to fight diseases. This in turn leaves individuals more susceptible to diseases.

But not everyone is having financial anxiety.

Financial Independence

Over the past ten years, many have tried and have achieved financial independence. Many have exited the daily grind of working for others and have become their own bosses. For many, even with the current fall of the stock market, their financial future is stable no matter the out come of the pandemic and the related financial effects. These individuals are truly financially independent

How did these individuals achieve this peace of mind? They followed these basic money principles: live below your means, save and fund your emergency fund.   If you have followed and are following these principles, congratulations, during this economic crisis you will be ok at least in the short term. Simply put, by following these principles, you should be able to financially survive a pandemic.

You Can Achieve Peace Of Mind

Whether you own your own business or you are a salaried employee, there is a possibility of financial hardship in the future. As such, it is prudent that we all plan ahead for a rainy day. Living below your means, saving and funding your emergency fund takes planning. But also, taking these steps means sacrificing and delaying gratification.

By living below your means, you are able to limit debts, for example, lower mortgage payments and lower car payments. By not keeping up with the Jones, you are better able to weather the financial storm when it comes. Living below your means further frees up money for you to save and fund your emergency fund. 

By saving and funding your emergency fund, you are able to have a greater runway to act during a financial crisis. In times of crisis, cash is king. By having a fully funded emergency fund of six to twelve months, any gaps in income can be made up at least temporarily. As such, you are able to maintain your standard of living while having time to search and potentially find a new job.

By planning ahead and putting away money, you are effectively buying time to maintain your family during retirement or a financial crisis. If you are not practicing these basic principles discussed, begin today. Saving $100 a month is $1,200 in a year, and $12,000 in ten years without added interest. If this amount is invested, your total following 10 years will likely be higher.

The Future

As the number of those infected by the coronavirus increases, pay particular attention to the programs available to financially help individuals and businesses. Federal student loan payments are being delayed for 60 days, while foreclosures, evictions and mortgage are being temporarily suspended. As these programs are outlined and implemented, plan ahead and take the steps necessary to keep your family secure and financially healthy.


As the Covid-19 pandemic expands, starting in the East and now devastating the West, governments are taking actions to limit and contain both the health and financial fallout. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are unimaginable. However, a pandemic should not change how you approach your financial future. These same principle apply during the coronavirus pandemic: live below your means, save and fund your emergency fund. By following these principles, you should be able to financially survive a pandemic.

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