Crushing student loan payment

Student Loan Payment: Attack And Pay Off $200,000

Once you graduate, you typically have six months before the first student loan payment is due. If you are close to graduation or a recent graduate, it is time to pay attention to what you owe. If you are already into your student loan payment period, it is time to take control. This is a guide to paying off $200,000 in student loans. In this post we assume that you are not participating in the federal loan forgiveness program. We further assume that you want to turbo charge paying off your student loans.

Student Loan Payment: You Do Need A Job

First, secure a job that pays a living wage. Following graduation, you typical have six months before beginning the student loan payment journey. As such, securing a job that pays a reasonable wage will reduce the financial stress associated with student loan payment. Keep in mind that although you have six months to begin student loan payment, you may begin paying back your loans early.

As an example, while in school, you can work and pay down your student loans as you go. This can save a tremendous amount of money as you are able to cut down the interest compounding on your student loans. If you are able to pay down the principal of your student loans while in school, this will further reduce your debt load. For those who are employing or who have employed this tactic, great job. If this ship has already sailed, let’s move on to knowing what you owe.

Student Loan Payment: You Must Know What You Owe

Before graduation, shortly thereafter or now,  begin to review all your student loans. Take a look at how much you owe and the interest rate for each loan. Let me rephrase that, know how much you owe and the interest rate for each loan, write it down. Order your loans from highest interest rate to lowest interest rate. In doing so, you are identifying the loans that will cost the most. The aim here is to attack and pay off the loan having the highest interest rate first, thus reducing the total cost of the loan. The first step is to identify the target loans.

Student Loan Payment: You Must Know Your Minimum Payment

To take control of your student loan debt, you must appreciate your monthly payment. Note what your minimum student loan payment will be for each loan per month for the term of the loan. Next, add together all your minimum payments per month. This is the minimum payment due for your entire student loan debt load per month. Know this number. Ensure that you have structured your life in such a way that you are able to make these monthly payments. It is important to note that the plan is not to pay the minimum student loan payment for the standard 10-year period. However, it is good to know early what these minimum payments are.

Debt Avalanche

Now the plan. Now that you have reviewed all your student loans and you know the total minimum student loan payment per month, it is time to implement the plan. Attack your loan having the highest interest first. Look at your budget, and determine how much additional money you can dedicate to your student loans each month. This amount will be a sum above your minimum payments. The aim is to dedicate this amount (additional money) to your highest interest rate loan while making the minimum payments on your other loans each month. Once your highest interest rate loan is paid off, you can thereafter dedicate the additional money + minimum payment of the highest interest rate loan you just paid off to the loan having the second highest interest rate while maintaining minimum payments for your other loans.

Implementation And Example

As an example, if you have 3 loans, loan 1 having an interest rate of 5%, loan 2 having an interest rate of 4.5% and loan 3 having an interest rate of 4%. Using the above method, you would pay your additional money to loan 1 each month. For loan 1, you would pay loan 1’s minimum monthly payment + the additional amount. For all other loans, you would pay the minimum monthly payment. Once loan 1 is paid off, your additional amount + the minimum monthly payment for loan 1 + minimum payment for loan 2 would be paid to loan 2 while maintaining minimum payments for loan 3.

Using this method, mathematically, you would be paying off your debt more quickly and with less interest.

Additional Tip

Additional  tip,  most loans provide a reduction in interest rate if you sign up for automatic payment. Prior to signing up for automatic payment, ensure that you are able to afford the payment amount. If you are, sign up for automatic payment. This will also reduce your total payment and reduce your payment timeline.


No matter where you are with regard to your student loan payment, it is time to take control. By reviewing what you owe and attacking your student loan having the highest interest rate, you will pay off your student loans more quickly and with the least interest cost. By taking control of your student loan situation, you can turbo charge your student loan repayment and pay off $200,000 in student loans. 

Paying off debt is essential on the journey to financial independence. Start attacking your student loans today.

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Student Loans: Debt Avalanche Method And Debt Snowball Method

Student Loans: Debt Avalanche Method And Debt Snowball Method

Student Loan Reality

In 2018, about 69% of college students took out student loans and graduated with an average debt of $29,800. These students are a small part of the 45 million Americans who owe over $1.56 trillion in student loan debt.  Yes, that is not an error, $1.56 trillion and growing. Based on the numbers, it is safe to assume that graduating students are leaving undergrad with multiple loans.

In view of the above, for many Americans, the journey to financial independence goes through paying off student loans. No matter if you have federal student loans or private student loans, to get out of debt, you must attack these loans.

Paying Off Your Student Loans

While some students may qualify for student loan forgiveness (if you are using this path, please review the requirements), many others do not.  For those who do not qualify for student loan forgiveness, I recommend the use of one of the below two methods (Debt Avalanche and Debt Snowball). 

But before we discuss Debt Avalanche and Debt Snowball, your first step on this journey is to obtain the facts. How much do you owe? What interest rates are you dealing with?

Debt Avalanche

Debt Avalanche – the idea here is to focus on the debt with the highest interest rate first. Use this method in a stepwise fashion:

  • Organize your student loans in a document with the interest rates from highest to lowest on the left and the related loan total on the right
  • Begin paying off your student loans by paying the minimum + extra on the account with the highest interest rate first, while paying the minimum payment on the other loans
  • Once your first targeted account is paid off, roll the payment amount you were making to your next target account (the account having the highest interest rate – the second loan on your list). This payment is in addition to the minimum payment you were paying for this account
  • After the second account is paid off, if you have a third account, then you apply the payments from the first and second accounts to the third one. Again, this is in addition to the third account’s minimum payment
  • Rinse and repeat

The benefit of the Debt Avalanche method of debt repayment is that it minimizes the amount of interest you pay and therefore minimizes the amount you will pay over the lifetime of your loan. However, this method takes discipline, commitment and an appreciation for delayed gratification. If these characteristics do not describe you, the Debt Snowball method may be for you.

Debt Snowball

Debt Snowball – the idea here is to focus on the debt with the lowest balance first. Use this method in a stepwise fashion:

  • Organize your student loans from lowest amount to highest amount
  • Begin paying off the student loans by paying the minimum + extra on the account with the smallest balance first, while paying the minimum payment on larger balances
  • As you pay off one account, the amount that was formally directed to the first account is now added to the payment of the new lowest total. This payment is in addition to the minimum payment you were previously paying on this account
  • After the second account is paid off, if you have a third account, apply the payments from the first and second accounts to the third account. Again, this is in addition to the third account’s minimum payment
  • Rinse and repeat

The benefit of this method is that paying off the smaller student loan and making progress provides momentum and motivation that you can carry through the rest of the process. However, because this process is not focused on the interest rate, you will pay more with this method as compared to the Debt Avalanche method over the lifetime of your student loans.

Consistency And Perseverance

These two methods will aid in your journey to financial independence. Select the method that works best for you and stick to it. The journey to financial independence like all difficult journeys in life requires consistency and perseverance. Get out of student loan debt one payment at a time.

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