Rags to riches

Write Your Rags to Riches Story Now!

We have all heard a rags to riches story. It is now time to have your own story. While we all day dream of winning the lottery, or inheriting riches, most rags to riches stories are not a result of a quick transfer of wealth. The fact is, most rags to riches stories are a result of making difficult, wise and consistent financial decisions over time. 

The Money Game

No matter how much or how little money you may have today, to build sustained wealth, you must spend less than you earn. This is the only way that you will save. Saving is important because it allows you to build up an emergency fund, it allows you to become prepared for the unpredictable. An emergency fund makes financial emergencies routine life events.

Further, by saving, you are able to have money/funds/assets available such that you are able to take advantage of financial opportunities. 

For example, if the stock market falls, do you have enough money in reservers to ride out the downturn? Are you able to buy stocks at the bottom of the market? In such a situation (financial down turn), many do not have enough in reserves to ride out a market downturn and therefore sell at the bottom of the market and realize financial losses.

If home prices fall, are you able to take advantage by purchasing real estate? When interest rates are low, are you well positioned to borrow at the lower interest rates?

Saving, and having money/funds/assets to take advantage of financial opportunities is necessary to write your own rags to riches story.

Invest In Yourself And Journey From Rags To Riches

With your savings, not only are you prepared to take advantage of financial opportunities, you are also able to invest. You may invest in any vehicle that brings value, for example real estate, the stock market, and yourself. Saving alone will not allow you to complete your rags to riches story, you will need to invest such that your money/assets make money on their own. You will need to invest such that your money works for you instead of you working for money.

On a basic level, any investment that you make after doing your due diligence is an investment in yourself. However, making an active and purposeful decision to invest in your education is a must. Your investment may be in education to increase your knowledge in your field of study/profession or in financial literacy. 

As your money/assets grow, so must your financial knowledge.  If not, you risk regressing and losing what you have worked for. Do not forget, there are equally many riches to rags stories as there are rags to riches stories. You must purposefully manage your money/assets and understand how money works to maintain and grow your wealth. Your financial literacy is important.

The Element Of Luck In Your Rags To Riches Story

Luck is essential but hardly recognized
Luck is essential, but hardly recognized

Luck is essential, but one of the least recognized component of a rags to riches story. Let’s face it, many hate to admit that luck played a role in getting from rags to riches. Most want to attribute all their riches to their own hard work and dedication. This is false. Many toil their entire lives and remain in poverty. While hard work plays a role, luck and the people around you also contribute to your success.

Luck is a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Luck is the convergence of resources and opportunity. What you will notice as a constant theme throughout life is that the harder and smarter you work, the luckier you will be. The harder and smarter you work, the more opportunities will be open to you; the luckier you will be; the more you will find that you are in the right place at the most opportune time. 

Luck requires preparation. You must be ready when the opportunity presents itself, otherwise, your luck will turn into a life changing missed opportunity.

Write your own rags to riches story by playing the money game, investing in yourself and being ready to act when an opportunity presents itself.


We have all heard a rags to riches story. It is now time to have your own story. While we all day dream about winning the lottery, or inheriting riches, most rags to riches stories are not a result of a quick transfer of wealth. The fact is, most rags to riches stories are a result of making difficult, wise and consistent financial decisions over time. Journey to financial independence and write your own rags to riches story.

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Write your rags to riches story!

Chase Solutions Not Money

Who wants to be poor? I have never heard a single person seriously state that they want to be poor. At some level, we all want to achieve a standard of living where we and our families have our needs covered without financial stress. Another portion of us wants more. Achieving financial stability such that wants and needs are easily achieved is a dream most of us  have. To achieve financial dreams, especially if you are entrepreneurial, chase solutions not money.

Chasing Money

With regard to your current profession, is your work your passion? Does your job make you happy? Do you continue to work at your current job for financial reasons only? If money was not a concern, would you continue on your current professional path?

Many of us choose careers not because of the difference that we will make, but for the traditional high standard of living and potential wealth associated. Many of us stay in positions for this same reason, even when we hate our jobs. We are not here to judge why anyone is on the professional path that they are on, but if wealth is your objective, it is best to stop chasing money. 

Chasing money will keep you in a 9-5, salaried position. Chasing money will keep you working until your late 60s or longer. In some instances, chasing money will generate wealth, but you will be miserable. Think of the lawyers and doctors who are wealthy but absolutely hate their jobs, are alienated from their families and are struggling to cope. Chasing money will keep you from your potential of being both happy and wealthy.

Chasing Solutions Not Money – Profession

By chasing solutions, we mean finding a problem and driving towards a solution. In a professional scope, the underlying purpose of solving a problem is the fire that will burn to get you through the difficult times. The difficult times may be years of schooling, personal issues or unexpected disasters that occur in life. With a purpose, your drive will be maintained irrespective of the financial reward. Whether your drive is servicing a specific community or a specific cause, finding a problem and presenting a solution will greatly increase your rewards, financial and otherwise.

Chasing Solutions Not Money – Entrepreneurial

If you are an entrepreneur and you are aiming to build wealth, it will all fall into place once you identify a problem that is worth solving. There are many issues that we all collectively encounter on a daily basis. Identify these problems and present your solution. Once you identify the problem and a possible solution, ask yourself if the identified problem is worth solving. If it is worth solving, this is a business idea.

Is The problem Worth solving

In determining if a problem is worth solving, from a business standpoint, you need to determine if you can earn from solving the problem. Does the problem rise to such a level of needing to be solved? Will someone pay you to solve this problem? If someone will pay you to solve the problem, how much and is it worth your time? If you have identified a solution to a problem, but someone will only pay you a dollar to solve the problem, this venture may not be worth it. Whether or not the venture is worth your time will depend on scalability.

Is Your Solution Scalable

Is the venture of solving the identified problem scalable? Let’s face it, if I solve a problem that is of low value to others and non-scalable, then I will either loose money or get stuck in a job that will not grow over time.  None of these options are good.

Now, if the venture is scalable, you have a business. For example, our example above where we are paid a dollar by each customer to solve a problem. If this business is scalable, if you are able to build your business to reach one million customers, that is one million dollars. If the problem being solved is one that is reoccurring, you have the potential for a million repeat customers. When you chase solutions, not money, your wealth will seamlessly grow.


No one wants to be poor. At some level, we all want to achieve a standard of living where we and our families have our needs covered without financial stress. To achieve financial dreams, chase solutions not money. On the journey to financial independence, stop chasing money, chase solutions to problems and watch your wealth grow.

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Video Summary

Build wealth by chasing solutions


Dramatically Increase Your Financial Success Now

Probability and financial success intertwines. In a mathematical sense, life is a probability function. The probability of an outcome increases or decreases base on your actions. As such, when you see someone achieving success, it is important to understand that luck had little to nothing to do with it. It is all a probability function and that individual may have taken requisite action to increase their probability of achieving  that success. There is also a very low chance, but a chance nonetheless, that such an individual did absolutely nothing and achieved this success. 

This reality does not take away from the fact that others may have helped this individual to achieve his goals. Those who aided the individual played a role in increasing the individual’s probability of achieving their goals. In the same vain, the individual achieving the success may have taken action to be around those individuals who aided him in achieving the success achieved. Again, this could be summed up as taking action to increase the chances of success – putting yourself in position to take advantage of opportunities.

The Lottery

Let us look at the example of winning the lottery. We all have a chance of winning the lottery. There is a probability of winning even if we do not actively go out and purchase a lottery ticket. The probability is very low of course. But, you can theoretically win the lottery without buying a lottery ticket. Consider the fact that you may find a lottery ticket on the side of the street that happens to be the lucky numbers. You may also be gifted a winning ticket.

Note, the probability of any of the above two scenarios happening is very low. We must accept the fact that the odds that you will win the lottery without purchasing a lottery ticket is infinitesimally small, however, you still have a chance.

Now, suppose you buy 1 lottery ticket, the probability of you winning the lottery will now increase substantially. Your odds of winning will be 1 in 292,201,338. If you would like to increase these odds further, you can purchase a second ticket to now have an odds of 2 in 292,201,338.

The Financial Game

The financial game is the same. We are all born with a probability of having financial independence. If you born into a wealthy family, you may have a higher probability of this result than someone born in poverty.  However, there is a probability that those born wealthy may end in poverty and those born in poverty may end in wealth. Every action you take increases or decreases your probability of getting a result.

What Can You Do To Increase Your Probability?

To increase your probability of financial independence, I have a secret. Ready, it is the same boring list that you have heard before, live below your means, save, invest, and repeat. 

Your probability of living below your means is increased by having a higher salary, maximizing your time and spending less. How do you increase your probability of having a higher salary? You gain an education, you start a business, you invest. How do you spend less? You cut unnecessary expensive and limit debt.

The same two factors (living below your means and spending less) will also increase your probability of saving and investing. The more you save, the more you will have to invest. It is a feedforward cycle. This is also the reason the rich gets richer.

The second you begin to take action in this regard, your probability of financial independence increases. On the other hand, the opposite is true. Earning less and spending more will undoubtably decrease your odds of living below your means, saving and investing. These actions will undoubtably decrease your odds of financial independence and stability.

Action Plan

If you want to have a financially secured life, there are steps you can take to increase your probability of achieving that result. Live below your means, save, invest, and repeat. Take steps to increase your chance of financial independence. 


Probability and financial success intertwines. In a mathematical sense, life is a probability function. The probability of an outcome increases or decreases base on your actions. As such, when you see someone achieving success, it is important to understand that luck had little to nothing to do with it. It is all a probability function and that individual may have taken requisite action to increase their probability of achieving  that success. Journey to financial independence by taking simple steps that increases your probability of financial success.

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