Why Lottery Winners Go Broke

Why Lottery Winners Go Broke

Ever since I understood the concept that buying a lottery ticket gives you the chance of winning millions, I wanted to win the lottery. As I got older, I realized that the probability of winning was extremely low, as such, I rarely ever play. When I do play, I see it as a donation to the State’s education system as a percentage of the lottery usually funds education. For the lucky few who plays and wins, congratulations. However, for winners there is happiness, that is typically followed by sorrow and many times tragedy. It makes you wonder, why does such tragedy follow many lottery winners? Looking at the financial side, why do lottery winners go broke?

Lottery Winners Go Broke Because Of Inexperience Money

A lot of lottery winners are not math or financial whiz. The fact is, the more educated you are, the less likely you are to play the lottery. It is simple, you understand that the odds of winning is extremely low and as such you do not play.

Those who win the lottery, tends to be those playing the lottery which is in effect proportionally not the most educated with regard to finances. Most lottery winners have the issue of having a large sum of money and not knowing how to maintain it. 

Many lottery winners fall prey to their wildest financial dreams. The dream of having one or more mac mansions, new expensive cars and other toys that are wanted but not needed. With a scarcity mentality, many lottery winners are frivolous with lottery winnings. Some winners see their winnings as “free money” to be spent. While individual purchases may not put a dent in the overall winnings, they can quickly add up if winners don’t keep a close eye on what they are spending. A bigger home comes with a bigger bill to upkeep. Luxury cars come with larger insurance and repair bills.

lottery check - why lottery winners go broke

The Payout Is Not As Much As You Think

When taking the payout from the lottery, winners usually have a choice. The choice is typically between taking a lump-sum or a fixed payment overtime. If you take the lump-sum, sometimes it is only around 60-75% of the advertised prize. This can leave winners with a lot less money than they expected. Then do not forget about the taxes. In most jurisdictions, lottery winnings are taxed. As such, in the end, while you will have a huge sum of money, the sum may not be as large as others think it is. Therefore, it may be bit more difficult to rebuff family and friends when they falsely believe that you have a lot more than you actually do.

Lottery Winners Go Broke Because Everyone Knows That You Won

In many places, a condition of winning the lottery is that your name is made public. Many lotteries do require that basic information about winners are made public. For example, name, city and the amount won.

When every one knows that you won millions of dollars, you will have long lost friends and family coming out of the woodwork. They will all come calling.  Many new lottery winners will not be well equipped to say no to friends and family. Once family and friends learn of the windfall, they will have expectations of what they should be entitled to.

But also, there are complete strangers who targets lottery winners. Some with sad stories, others with investment ideas and still others who aims to rob, maim or kill lottery winners.

Typically, lottery winners go broke as a result of a million cuts. One bad investment idea or falling for one sad story will likely not completely deplete the millions won. However, not paying attention and learning to manage your money will eventually lead to bankruptcy or worst.


There is the saying that money does not buy happiness, it only amplifies who you are. A jerk before having a lot of money, will likely be a jerk with lots of money after winning the lottery. If you were previously prone to addiction prior to winning the lottery, now you are a wealthy individual who is prone to addition with the financial means to support that addiction. If you were an alcoholic before winning the lottery, you are now a very rich alcoholic. For those with addition issues or tendencies, winning the lottery and having the financial resources to support an addition habit is dangerous and can be deadly.

For those who cannot handle stress, winning the lottery will add a lot of stress. There is some stress that comes with having the money. You will like be stressed about how to maintain it, how to manage it, how to handle the constant requests for handouts, and how to face resentment (because it will come from family and friends). For many, alcohol and drugs are the remedies often sought with stress. It is not uncommon for many lottery winners to blow huge sums of their winnings on drugs and alcohol. At times, this is in an attempt to cope with their new lives as lottery winners.

Not Asking For Help

As mentioned above, many lottery winners were not finance majors in college. As such it is probably in their best interest to seek advice from qualified financial professionals. However, despite the fact that sudden wealth can cause lots of financial complications, very few lottery winners seek professional help. Very few lottery winners seek out professional advice on how to grow and or maintain their wealth. Without the requisite knowledge of how to manage such an instant inflow of funds, many lottery winners mismanage their money and go broke.


With winning the lottery or with any other instant financial windfall, be careful what you wish for. Many lottery winners go broke. By not being able to handle the stresses of winning the lottery, you could end up being a lottery winner that goes broke or worst.

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This Is Why Athletes Go Broke

Over the years, for professional athletes, we have seen astronomical contracts that have repeatedly broken records. We have also seen the sobering news that many athletes go broke. At times, we may fall into the trap and think, how can you go broke after earning hundreds of millions of dollars? But do not forget, a lot of our sports stars are young and have never had the life experiences that would have taught them how to manage money and plan for the future. 

Athletes Go Broke Due To Short Careers

For most athletes, once they sign the big contact, the financial mistakes are immediate. Some begin spending in anticipation of the contract or is out spending once signed. This happens in some cases because like us, many athletes are aware of the superstars who have decades long careers. Many rookies believe that they will continue to play their respective sports for years to come, earning an ever increasing salary. But this is not the case.

For the National Basketball Association (NBA), the average player lasts around 4.5 years. Like many other sports, making it to the NBA is hard, staying there is even harder. For the National Football League (NFL), the average career length is about 3.3 years. Let’s take a deeper look at the NFL. On average kickers and punters last 4.9 years, quarterbacks last about 4.4 years, cornerbacks last about 2.9 years, wide receivers last about 2.8 years and running backs last a dismal 2.5 years. Those in the National Hockey League (NHL) fare a bit better and last around 5 years. The average career of a Major League Baseball (MLB) player is about 5.6 years, and soccer players have careers of about 8 years.

It is therefore unsurprising that the average retirement age for MLB players is about 29.5, 28.2 for NHL players, 28 for NBA players, and 27.6 for NFL players.

If you have no transferable skills, lack financial discipline and your career lasts only a few years, you will have financial problems. No wonder athletes go broke.

Athletes Go Broke Due To Their Contracts:

Not all sports contracts are created equal. In some leagues, it is normal for the contracts to be guaranteed, but this is not the case for others. So when a player signs a contract for hundreds of millions of dollars, depending on the league, they may never receive the full amount.

Players’ contracts are guaranteed in Major League Soccer (MLS). For the most part, NBA, MLB and NHL contracts are also fully guaranteed. However, this is not the case for the NFL. For many NFL players, only a portion of their contract is guaranteed. This is very troubling as the NFL has one of the shortest career spans of the major sports. NFL players are faced with only a few years on average of playing in the league and also not having guaranteed contracts. Don’t forget, as a contact sport, NFL players also have a very high risk of injury.

Young And Dumb

If you received 100 million dollars upon your 18th birthday, in ten years, would you have more or less. The fact is, for many of us, at the age of 18-25, our sense of money is to get it and spend it. For many, this is the period of time where we spend a lot of time trying to impress the opposite sex. 

With money, comes the expensive cars, clothing and homes. At this age, as hormones rage, it may be a matter of time before kids. For many professional athletes, kids occur outside of wedlock which leads to child support and crazy exes. Think of your twenties but to the extreme. The fact is, not many of us could manage money in our twenties.

For athletes, it is a bit worst. Everyone you know, knows that you have money. Everyone around you potentially will have their hands out or will be reaching into your pockets. For so many athletes, it was family, agents, accountants or friends that stole from them. It is no wonder about 78% of professional athletes go broke after 3 years of retirement. Some professional athletes stand very little chance of building wealth in view of the people that are around them.

Most professional athletes just do not realize until it is too late – your career will be short, and your savings must last for the rest of your life.

What Can We Learn

What we can learn from athletes is that it is not about how much money you have, it is about how much you keep and grow. If you have no financial background or do not know how to mange your money, it is likely that you will lose it. No matter if it is 10 dollars or 10 million dollars.

As you move through your career, or your many careers, learn to manage and grow your money. You should learn who to trust and set boundaries with friends and family to ensure that your financial future is secure. Be the CEO of your life and your financial position. It is your money so take responsibility for what happens to it.


Over the years, for professional athletes, we have seen astronomical contracts that have repeatedly broken records. We have also seen the sobering news that many athletes go broke. At times, we may fall in the trap and think, how can you go broke after earning hundreds of millions of dollars? But do not forget, a lot of our sports stars are young and have never had the life experiences that would have taught them how to manage money and plan for the future. 

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