
Pandemic And Financial Stability

If Covid-19 has brought anything to the forefront, it is the fact that life is short and can end at any moment. Further, you may spend your last weeks, days, hours and minutes alone and without family. As we grapple with our new reality during this pandemic (Covid-19), the importance of financial stability has never been clearer. The pandemic’s effect on financial stability is unimaginable.

Pandemic And Financial Stability: Job Losses

The most obvious effect of the pandemic relates to job loses. As we have shut down economies to contain the virus, close to over 50 million Americans have filed for unemployment. This is in the United States alone. 

It has been reported that about 39 percent of households earning $40,000 or less has reported job loses. Over time, it has become very clear that the poorest households are being impacted the most by the pandemic, not only with regard to job losses, but also in contracting the virus. 

The pandemic’s impact on the poorest families is predictable. Think of those who are delivering your food, working the register at your favorite stores, bags your grocery and perform occupations that cannot be accomplished via a web based service at home. These individuals tend to be at the lower end of the economic scale, most likely to have health issues and limited access to health care. Together, this leaves a situation where low-income communities are more likely to be exposed to the virus, have higher mortality rates, and suffer more economically.

To look more globally, beyond the United States, the world bank estimates that Covid-19 could push about 49 million people into extreme poverty in 2020. Therefore, for those who were in the worst financial position, the pandemic has only made it worst, a lot worst. Simply put, the pandemic’s effect on financial stability has been devastating for the most vulnerable.

Pandemic And Financial Stability: Who Stays At Home

Mom at home during pandemic
Who stays at home during the pandemic?

An additional impact of the pandemic is on the family, specifically in view of child care. Yes, the pandemic’s effect on financial stability, is an impact on the family! As we have watched many members of families spend their final moments alone, or hear repeated stories of the virus wiping out multiple members within a family, the family generally is a major topic with regard to the pandemic and financial stability. Especially as the school year approaches.

As the pandemic rages on, many families have been forced to make a difficult choice, especially if they have school age children. Who will stay home/watch the kids? Do you and/or your spouse continue to work long hours and neglect your children that is now out of school or do one or both of you cut back?  

These are some of the most pressing questions at the kitchen table for those with children in elementary school and younger because of the attention required. But even for those older than elementary school age, if your kids are home, you still need to direct your attention to them to ensure that they are doing what they should. For example, your children attending on-line classes, paying attention during their video classes and staying on track.

For single parents, matters are even worst. Do you quit your job to stay home with your children when your employer requires your physical presence? With bills to pay, including mortgage or rent, how do you decide?

If you are without kids, how are you mentally coping with working from home without human contact? Generally, how are you separating work life from home life? Are you currently experiencing burn out?

Pandemic And Financial Stability: Money To Be Made

Not everyone has been detrimentally affected by the pandemic. There are some who were prepared and are trying to take events in stride. Many expected a dip in stock prices and took advantage. Others had an emergency fund and were able to better handle a job loss and transition to another. Still, there are others who have actually profited from the pandemic. Think of Jeff Bezos, Netflix, and entrepreneurs who are pushing forward services that are needed in today’s Covid-19 economy.

Pandemic And Financial Stability: Increased Saving Rates

An interesting effect of Covid-19 is the converging circumstances and their effects on the savings rate. With the government paying certain benefits, the United States have increased its general savings rate. Basically, with economies shut down and no where to eat out or spend discretionary funds, many individuals are socking away an increase percentage of their paycheck (if they are able to keep their jobs).


In view of the above, what we are seeing is a bifurcation in societal finances. In one case we have individuals who are profiting from today’s current situation  and becoming more financially secure. On the other hand, others are struggling with the basic necessities. In every downturn or national event, this is always the case.

It is incumbent on each and every one of us to prepare ourselves for unforeseen hardships that may lay ahead. While no one could have predicted Covid-19 and its effects, we know this will not be the last time we have such a financial shock. Make the sacrifices now to be able to better whether financial shocks. The pandemic’s effect on financial stability is profound, but we can protect ourselves if we plan ahead.

Pandemic and our choices
We are at crossroads


If Covid-19 has brought anything to the forefront, it is the fact that life is short and can end at any moment. Further, you may spend your last weeks, days, hours and minutes alone and without family. As we grapple with our new reality during this pandemic (Covid-19), the importance of financial stability has never been clearer. The pandemic’s effect on financial stability is unimaginable. However, we can protect ourselves if we plan ahead. Journey to financial independence.

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Losing Job

Learn Lessons From Recessions


Learn lessons from recessions. Following the great recession, many Americans made a conscious decision that it was time to prepare for the next financial downturn. Many of these individuals actively or passively joined the Financially Independence Retire Early (“F.I.R.E”) movement. During the pursuit of F.I.R.E, these individuals cut back significantly on spending, saved an increased amount of their salary and invested.  

Those Unprepared For Recessions

While many individuals made a conscious decision to change their life, others did not. Many framed the great recession as a once in a life time event and quickly began spending as they did previously. The prices and sizes of homes increased and the length of car loans approached five to seven years. We were riding the high of a decades long bull market. Each year the prediction of a market downturn came and past with new record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment.

However, this all came to a screeching halt. We now have a Covid-19 pandemic. Predictably, those who made financial  changes are in a better position than those who did not.

F.I.R.E in a market downturn

F.I.R.E And Recessions

Over the last decade, as F.I.R.E came to the main stream, many in the media came out asking why? Others have announced that it was a futile fad. Some just did not understand why those in the prime of their careers would want to retire. Many further asserted that it would be dangerous to quit your job early. However, let me tell you a secret. Many in the F.I.R.E movement have no plan to retire in the traditional sense. Many plan to retire from their current jobs and instead focus on a passion. In many instances, these passions provide a sustainable income.

Being Prepared

Whether or not you have achieved F.I.R.E, on the path to F.I.R.E, or thinking about F.I.R.E, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown us why you should plan ahead and have a financial buffer. In times like these, those who have embraced the F.I.R.E movement are leaps and bounds ahead of the rest.

Those Who Have Hit Their F.I.R.E Number

Let us look at those who have hit their F.I.R.E number and have retired. With regard to investments, these individuals have investments that have no doubt reduced in value. For some, the drop is higher than that of 20%. However, as understood by many in the F.I.R.E movement, the stock market operates in cycle. Therefore, these individuals are concerned, however, they understand that the market will return. 

A tenant of F.I.R.E is the emergency fund. Those who have hit their F.I.R.E number no doubt have at least six to twelve months of expense saved in liquid accounts. This is their safety net until the market rebounds.

Those On The Path To F.I.R.E

For those on the path to F.I.R.E, these individuals are still working, has been laid-off or furloughed. Like those who have hit their F.I.R.E number, those on the path to F.I.R.E commonly have investments. There is no doubt that their investment portfolio have taken a hit. These individuals also understand that the market operates in cycles. While they are alarmed by the investment portfolio losses, they understand that the stock market will recover. Further, the losses are locked in only if you sell your investments.

Importantly, these individuals have already build up their  emergency fund or on the path to building this fund. Again, the emergency fund provides an advantage over the general public who generally cannot afford a $500 emergency expense.


The lesson from the great recession and this current pandemic is simply, plan ahead. This pandemic will have a similar effect as the great recession. Some will begin to implement contingency plans to protect their families. They will live or continue to live below their means, save and invest. On the other hand, many will not learn a lesson, believe this will not happen again and return to living above their means and keeping up with the Jones.


Learn lessons from recessions such as the great recession and the Covid-19 pandemic. See financial downturns as an opportunity to begin the process or continue the process of building wealth and financial security. Journey to financial independence.

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