Stay motivated

How To Stay Motivated

With anything in life worth having, there tends to be some pain associated, physical or physiological. The journey to financial independence is no different. While many hope to be financially independent, few take the steps necessary to be financially independent and fewer still are able to achieve financial independence. If you are serious about achieving financial independence and have taken steps to begin the journey, stay on the path. But how to stay motivated?

The Wish

We all would like to max out our retirement accounts, save and pay off debts. However, are you willing to make the required scarifies? For many, the answer is no. Just as many have started diets and have not attain weight lost, many have started to save, pay off debts and save for retirement but never attain their goals. 

Many will save for a week, a month or a few months, but few are able to consistently save the same or more for a period of years. To find the motivation to deprive yourself of certain activities or joy is difficult. Delayed gratification is not fun for most and downright painful for others. When we begin the process of attaining a long term goal (financial independence), we are naturally working against ourselves. We are built for instant gratification

Turning The Wish Into A Goal, How To Stay Motivated

To achieve your goals, you must engineer an environment where you are more likely to succeed. The below represents only a few steps that can be taken to build this environment.

A goal without a plan is a wish

Short Term, Intermediate And Long Term Goals

We are more likely to succeed on our journey to financial independence if we have a long term goal (financial independence), intermediate goals, but also short term goals.

The short term, intermediate and long term goals allow for short term, intermediate and long term rewards. This offsets and/or lessens the pain of delayed gratification. Thus increasing the chances of you staying on course and attaining your goals.

Visualize Each Goal In Detail

Visualize each short term, intermediate and long term goal. Have a plan with details. By visualizing your goals you are able to focus. Further, attaining each detail or checking off a detail in the plan is a mini reward. This mini reward offsets and/or lessens the pain of delayed gratification. As someone previously stated, “A goal without a plan is a wish.” We have a lot of dreamers/wishers out there, don’t be one. 

Be Flexible

“There is more than one way to skin a cat.” Meaning, there are many ways to achieve a goal. Even with detailed plans, life happens, things change. Bend with the winds of life while keeping your goals in focus. 

Continuously Check Your Progress

Hold yourself accountable by continuously checking your progress. Consider creating a spreadsheet or an equivalent to track your progress.

Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

The fact is, the people you surround yourself with has a direct influence on how you behave. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Be around those who will encourage you to achieve your goals. If your goals are viewed negatively by those around you, it is highly unlikely that you will achieve your goals. This also ties in nicely with not being the smartest person in the room. Surround yourself with those you can learn from.

Reward Yourself

It is only human nature to avoid pain and move toward instant gratification. As such, it is important to consciously realize our default actions and change our mindset and actions. Small rewards will enhance your chances of attaining your goals. Let’s face it, every now and then, we need a moment to enjoy the fruits of our labor, no matter how small. Understand who you are and take the necessary steps to work with your innate impulses to attain your goals.

Make It Fun

Enjoy the journey and the destination if you can.


While many hope to be financially independent, few take the steps necessary to be financially independent and fewer still are able to achieve financial independence. If you are serious about achieving financial independence and have taken steps to begin the journey, stay on the path. But how to stay motivated? Engineer an environment where you are more likely to succeed. 

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