Spend responsibly

How To Spend Your Stimulus Check

The pandemic has lead to a bifurcation of fortunes. On one hand, a minority of individuals have increased their wealth beyond belief. On the other hand, the pandemic has eroded the wealth of a significant portion of the population. With the clear and far reaching economic effects of the pandemic, the U.S government has employed multiple rounds of stimulus. To those receiving stimulus funds, how you use the funds are as important as obtaining the stimulus funds. If you qualify to receive some stimulus funds, spend responsibly. Take care of your necessities and if possible, take steps toward building and securing your financial future. 

The Year 2020

We all know that we should save for a rainy day, yet, few of us do what we know to be beneficial to us in the long term. If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that life is unpredictable. We are on this rock (earth) for a short period of time and there are no guarantees. To ensure that your family is in a good position financially, building an emergency fund is crucial. Emergency funds make financial disasters routine events.

Financial Disaster 

Financial disaster is always around the corner. In 2020, financial disaster has occurred in somewhat of a snow ball effect that has build momentum as the pandemic has worsen. First came reduce demand for certain work, then came mandatory shut downs, loss of jobs, inability to pay bills including student loans, mortgage/rent and other necessities. Just take a look at your local news and the length of the food lines. People have exhausted the little reserves they had and some have become completely reliant on government stimulus.

Spend your stimulus responsibly
Do not set your money on fire by spending frivolously


If you qualify to receive government aid, whether in the form of stimulus or in another form, how you spend the funds are more important than just receiving the funds. Yes, the amount provided may not go very far, but every little helps. If you are in desperate need for the funds, use the funds to handle your necessities. This includes food, clothing and shelter.  Really think about how you will use your stimulus check. Keep in mind, based on the current political situation, it is unlikely that more stimulus will be on the way. However, If another stimulus bill is passed by congress, it will likely be less than what you have received to this point.

If you happen to be in a situation where you are not in desperate need of the stimulus but have qualified for receiving the funds, it is not time to spend. While some encourage spending to help the economy, to the contrary, it is time to save. Yes, we now have vaccines, however, it is unlikely that life will return to pre-pandemic norms any time soon. As such, the job market will continue to be in flux. Spend time to think of how you can improve your physical, mental and financial health.

Physical, Mental And Financial Health

We have no idea what the year 2021 and beyond holds, but as much as you can, be prepared. Be prepared by taking care of your physical, mental and financial health one step at a time. With the stimulus funds, if you can: (a) save, build or add to your emergency fund, (b) pay down high interest debt, (c) invest and if you are in the position to do so, (d) donate to help your neighbors. 

Generally, it is time to increase your personal safety net. As the year 2020 has shown, it is important to be ready for the unknown. The best way to be ready for the unknown is to be prepare, such that you can mitigate some disruptions that may occur in the future.

Financial stability is not achieved overnight. Financial stability and to an extent financial independence requires small consistent steps over time.


The pandemic has lead to a bifurcation of fortunes. On one hand, a minority of individuals have increased their wealth beyond belief. On the other hand, the pandemic has eroded the wealth of a significant portion of the population. With the clear and far reaching economic effects of the pandemic, the U.S government has employed multiple rounds of stimulus. To those receiving stimulus funds, how you use the funds are as important as obtaining the stimulus funds. If you qualify to receive some stimulus funds, spend responsibly. Take care of your necessities and if possible, take steps toward building and securing your financial future. 

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