Think outside the box

Financial Independence: Think Differently

Money is emotional. The environment you are in can have a significant effect on how you approach and use money. One of the many actions that will continue to keep you from achieving your financial goals is the desire to show others that you have made it. It is only human nature to have this desire. However, if this innate desire is not controlled, it will create roadblocks to achieving financial independence. Think independently.

Think outside the box and achieve financial independence
Think outside the box to achieve financial independence

Be An Independent Thinker And Achieve Your Financial Goals

It is important to remember that financial independence, includes “independence”. To achieve financial independence, you must be an independent thinker. Further, you must also be able to act independently. Following the herd will not lead to financial freedom. Running with the herd will get you to the average:

  • Working until you are 65 with an underfunded retirement;
  • Keeping up with the Jones and having thousands in credit card debt;
  • Having a 30 year mortgage that is refinanced repeatedly; and 
  • Having new vehicles every four to five years financed over a five to eight year term.

Following the herd is not a path to financial freedom. It is the path to a life of being financially dependent on your employer and being at the mercy of your creditors. Being apart of the herd is a sure-fire way to working for the rest of your life.

Financial Independence Requires Time And Consistency

To achieve financial freedom, adapt an independent mindset and take the road less traveled to achieve your financial goals. Living beneath your means, saving, and investing over time is the tried and proven way of achieving financial independence. The process is simple and straight forward. But, to achieve financial independence requires sacrifice, time and consistency. Achieving financial freedom requires discipline to live within your means without being affected by the actions of those around you. 

Are You Willing To Make The Sacrifices Required To Achieve Financial Independence?

Think about things differently and achieve financial independence
Think differently

Look around, now focus on those who are truly financial independent. Very few are. If you take a close look at those around you, it will become very clear that being rich does not equate to financial freedom. Achieving financial independence requires not only earning money, but also being able to keep a high percentage of that money. Keeping a high proportion of money earned takes making sacrifices.

By thinking differently, it will be easy to understand that:

  • It is ok to have a paid off five year old car when your neighbor has a current year luxury vehicle;
  • Living in a small home and wearing the same set of clothing in an effort to payoff debts are ok; and
  • While it may be difficult, it is ok to forgo certain events/pleasures to stay within a predefined budget. 

The above are all ok because building towards having several months of living expenses in the bank to fully fund an emergency fund and having investments, that are working while you are sleeping, are part of the journey of not being beholden to anyone financially.

Get Started On Your Journey To Financial Independence

As the saying goes, getting off the ground takes 80% of the energy while maintaining orbit takes 20%. To begin on the journey to financial independence takes 80% of the effort while maintaining your set route to achieve financial independence takes 20%. Get the figurative ball rolling Now!


Money is emotional, and the environment you are in can have a significant effect on how you approach and use money. One of the many actions that will continue to keep you from achieving your financial goals is the desire to show others that you have made it. It is only human nature to have this desire. However, if this innate desire is not controlled, it will create roadblocks to achieving financial independence. Think independently and achieve financial independence.

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