Time of your life

Time Of Your Life: Time Is Your Greatest Asset

Your time is your greatest asset, so use it wisely. As the old saying goes, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. So each second that you waste is a second that you will never get back, but also, you are a second closer to not being here. While this is a morbid outlook on life, it can be used to inspire your actions and financial decisions. Life your best life and have the time of your life.

Questions To Answer

Ask yourself:

  • How am I spending my time on this planet?
  • How am I managing my most valuable asset?
  • Am I maximizing my time?

Once you ask yourself these questions, do you feel a need to change:

  • Your actions?
  • How you spend your free time?
  • Your career?
  • How you interact with your family?

Ask yourself these questions now, such that you can make necessary changes, because you will not get back the time lost.

Maximizing Your TimeĀ – Have The Time Of Your Life

I was somewhat of a late bloomer when it came to maximizing my time. It took until college for me to realize how much time I had wasted. 

To help pay for my college costs, I did work study. My first work study position was terrible. While simple, it demanded total concentration as it was in the administration office and included filing documents. The major issue here, I had to focus on tasks for a defined period of time, I would thereafter have classes, then I had to study for those classes. There had to be a more efficient way.

My mind was blown after discussing my work study position with a friend who was managing a computer lab. In college, managing a computer lab meant watching over a computer lab and helping students troubleshoot issues that may occur at the computer lab. This was a perfect college position because it allowed for maximization of time. Why?

As a computer lab manager, you were able to watch over the computer lab and perform your own personal studies. As this was college, rarely did any student need help on how to log on or how to use the Microsoft applications that were loaded thereon. If there was a powerpoint presentation, it was only a matter of setting up the equipment, simple!

Now, because students rarely asked questions, with this work study position, you are able to study for classes, review notes and do homework while getting paid. I was quickly able to transfer to this new position with the recommendation of my friend.

I loved the job, and I would work hours that others would not because I understood what I was gaining. By having this position, I was able to get paid to study and do homework. That is what I call maximizing your time.

What About You?

What about you? How can you maximize your time? How about learning a new language or subject matter while at the gym or running. To give some context. While many are listening to music on their headphones while working out, why not try to learn a new language or listen to an ebook? In your down time, why not get into a new hobby to expand your mind or physical abilities? What can you do to maximize your time on this planet?

Note that maximizing your time can bring many financial rewards. By expanding your mind and physical abilities you may become more qualified for position. You may become more well rounded. You may be able to accelerate your career progress and outlook. Such career advancement may lead to (1) a higher salary, (2) you starting a new business, (3) you spending more time with family, and (4) you achieving financial independence. By taking simple steps, you can have the time of your life while developing spiritually and professionally.

No Need To Maximize Everything

While I encourage you to maximize your time, not everything should be rushed. For example, time with your love ones.

Let us look at the F.I.R.E movement. Many have developed working and spending habits such that they can retire early (As I have noted previously, many in the F.I.R.E movement have no intention of retiring). By maximizing your time, you may be able to  advance your career, save more, and invest more. With these actions, you may be able to hit your F.I.R.E number and become financially independent. This may allow you to spend more time with your family and/or do tasks that you prefer. 

Now, with more time with your family (if you like spending time with your family), when asked the below questions, you may think differently:

When asked: 

  • How are you spending your time on this planet? 
  • How are you managing your most valuable asset? 
  • Are you maximizing your time? 

The only change in your actions may be the thought that you should have done this sooner. Here, the journey to financial independence can be a journey to happiness.


Your time is your greatest asset, as such, you should use it wisely. As the old saying goes, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. So each second that you waste is a second that you will never get back, but also, you are a second closer to not being here. While this is a morbid outlook on life, it can be used to inspire your actions and financial decisions. Journey to financial independence. Life your best life and have the time of your life.

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