Where Are All The Internet Financial Gurus?

It is interesting, and most likely you have also noticed. During boom periods, there tends to be a lot more noise from internet financial gurus. It could be a matter of folks being willing to share their experiences as the market booms. More specifically, there is typically a weekly or almost daily update about individual net worth. But what happens when the stock market begins to go south? Most, will stop sharing. A lot of internet financial gurus become very quiet. No one likes to share that they are losing money and if they are following their own advice, they are. But that is the big question, are internet financial gurus following their own advice?

Financial Gurus

During boom times, it is very easy to say keep buying, or buy the dip. But when the market is heading into recession territory, this becomes very difficult. Right or wrong, the more you buy the more you are losing in the short term as the stock market goes into the red. Also, the dip keeps getting dippier. So this is a very difficult message. As such, many internet financial gurus will stay quiet during these times, even if they are following their own advice.

Look At Your Statements

As the stock market goes south, are you looking at your account statements? It is interesting that as soon as we get wind of the stock market going down, we begin to develop this ability to not check our accounts. Do check your accounts. This is not to provide a reason to sell, but it is important to know what is going on in your accounts. Do not be afraid to look at your loses on paper. The stock market goes up and it will go down, and it will go up again. 

The same messages that financial gurus disclose during boom times are also applicable during a recession. If the information was true/false then, it is true/false during a recession as well.

Do Not Buy Individual Stocks, Buy Index Funds

As we have discussed before, a monkey can be a better stock picker than a human. So it is advisable, unless you are Warren Buffet, buy index funds. But when the stock market is going down, it can be difficult to stick to this strategy. But a clever man once said to be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.

Stick to your strategy but use the market conditions, information, and your own situation to adjust your strategy. A stock market down turn does not mean that you should abandon your current strategy. In effect, if you truly believe in what you are doing, continue to do it and modify as information changes. This is also a matter of doing your research before you implement any strategy such that you are able to plan ahead and handle different situations. 

Recessions Are Filled With Opportunity 

As the past has shown, recessions are filled with opportunities. If you are in a stable financial position, you have no doubt pay down debt and has bulked up your assets. These are two basic steps that will prepare you  for a recession. Especially if you are in a high interest rate environment. More specifically, because banks will quickly raise interest rates on credit instruments, do not maintain balances if at all possible. If you have low to no debt, this is not something that you will have to worry about. Again, many of the statements made by financial gurus during boom time may be applicable as a recession approaches. Save, pay down debt, invest. This works no matter how good or bad the stock market is doing.

Cash Is King

If there is a recession and people are losing their jobs, having cash on hand is one way to ensure that you will be able to navigate such a situation for a year or two. Another advantage of having funds in the bank during a recession is the increased interest rates of online banks as the stock market falls.  During such a time, interest rates are typically increased.

There are many lesson to learn from recessions. If you are fortunate enough to still have your job during a recession, where you are consistently bringing in money, continue to save and invest. Avoid trying to time the market, because guess what, you likely cannot. Many have tired and have failed. Instead, consider dollar cost averaging and ride out the recession. No matter the economic condition, continue your journey to financial independence.


During boom periods, there tends to be a lot more noise from internet financial gurus. It could be a matter of folks being willing to share their experiences as the market booms. More specifically, there is typically a weekly or almost daily update about individual net worth. But what happens when the stock market begins to go south? Most, will stop sharing. A lot of internet financial gurus become very quiet. No one likes to share that they are losing money. But no matter the economic condition, continue on your path to financial independence no matter the rate of chatter.
