Why Nerds Run The World

Look around, think about who is making all the calls, then look behind that person. Typically, it is a nerd. For starters, look at the richest persons in the world. Look at the most powerful countries in the world, advances are made by nerds. Politically, whether you agree with one party or another, they are funded by nerds on both sides. The fact is, while there may be debates on the value of going to college, there is no doubt that nerds are running the world. Further, as we are in the computer age, nerds will continue to do so. Crypto and the metaverse are only recent examples of the power of being a nerd.

The Cool Kids

There is a saying, “he who laughs last laughs best.” For those who are intellectually gifted, this is certainly true. Cool kids have fun early in life, but it is the nerds who excel as adults. Whether your are the sports star or the cool kid that connects well with others, your early social years will be great, primarily in high school. However, for many cool kids, this will be the height of their influence. For nerds, high school is typically the last years of hell. Once high school is over, the world opens up, because intellect is valued.


Let us look at the richest people in the world. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon musk, they are all nerds. The fact is, they are at the cutting edge. They are coming up with new ideas and inventions that revolutionize the world and have in turn made them very wealthy. As is often true, money is power. With their monetary power and position, nerds are able to influence every part of life.

It is this wealth that is being used to run the world. When you have billions of dollars at your disposal, your pet projects are very impactful. Whether this is to go to space or to create a foundation to pursue a specific purpose. With funding, what is important to you become important to others. Your dreams shape the world that not only you live in, but that we all live in.

Crypto is one of the newest examples. Let us think of bitcoin that only a few years ago was worthless. Today, there are many different crypto currencies and this invention has made many millionaires. For the most part, crypto was invented by nerds and has become mainstream, making many ridiculously wealthy. We also now have NFTs, which are being sold for millions and let us not forget about the newly created metaverse. As the computer information age pushes on, nerds will continue to dominate.

Political Reach

Nerds are not only successful in the business world, but also the political world. A lot of those in political power today were not well adjusted in their earlier life. Yes, they were and still are nerds. But even if some of today’s political figures were well adjusted, look at who these politicians take their direction from. They take their direction not from the masses, but from the wealthy who are likely to be nerds. To run political campaigns, you need money. As noted above, who have the money? Nerds through their business successes have plenty of discretionary income to donate and shape the agenda of every political campaign. Even when you look to todays sport stars, look at who are employing them. Nerds are the owner of sport teams, sport arenas and are the bosses of the jocks you watch in amazement.

Why are they so successful?

Nerds flex their brains


Not being in the in crowd have a lot of advantages. You read that correctly. Not being popular can be an advantage in life. It teaches you important lessons in survival and how to be self reliant.

The fact that many nerds are not in the in crowd allow them to spend more time working on their dreams. Nerds have more time to be themselves and know themselves because they do not have to succumb to social norms. They are essentially able to figure out who they are and what they are good at and just do it. Nerds have the freedom to become experts in the difficult, the new and the cutting edge.

Further, most nerds find comfort in knowledge. So not being invited to all the parties or social activities give nerds more time to hone their skills, in this case knowledge of a subject. They become masters of a subject area. Once they are masters of a subject area and confident in their skills they are motivated to show the world.

Because many nerds have been ostracized or physically intimidated, they operate with a chip on their shoulder and have a competitive drive to prove and show how good they are. All this leads to people who are very confident at what they do once they find that thing. Often times, these nerds are some of the most ruthless individuals that you will come across. They strive to be the best and often times, do not accept failure. Think of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

These are some of the reasons why so many nerds have achieved the highest of business success, amass billions and strongly influence our every day life. 


Look around, think about who is making all the calls, then look behind that person. Typically, it is a nerd. For starters, look at the richest persons in the world. Look at the most powerful countries in the world, advances are made by nerds. Politically, whether you agree with one party or another, they are funded by nerds on both sides. The fact is, while there may be debates on the value of going to college, there is no doubt that nerds are running the world. Further, as we are in the computer age, nerds will continue to do so. Crypto and the metaverse are only recent examples of the power of being a nerd.

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