Write Your Rags to Riches Story Now!

We have all heard a rags to riches story. It is now time to have your own story. While we all day dream of winning the lottery, or inheriting riches, most rags to riches stories are not a result of a quick transfer of wealth. The fact is, most rags to riches stories are a result of making difficult, wise and consistent financial decisions over time. 

The Money Game

No matter how much or how little money you may have today, to build sustained wealth, you must spend less than you earn. This is the only way that you will save. Saving is important because it allows you to build up an emergency fund, it allows you to become prepared for the unpredictable. An emergency fund makes financial emergencies routine life events.

Further, by saving, you are able to have money/funds/assets available such that you are able to take advantage of financial opportunities. 

For example, if the stock market falls, do you have enough money in reservers to ride out the downturn? Are you able to buy stocks at the bottom of the market? In such a situation (financial down turn), many do not have enough in reserves to ride out a market downturn and therefore sell at the bottom of the market and realize financial losses.

If home prices fall, are you able to take advantage by purchasing real estate? When interest rates are low, are you well positioned to borrow at the lower interest rates?

Saving, and having money/funds/assets to take advantage of financial opportunities is necessary to write your own rags to riches story.

Invest In Yourself And Journey From Rags To Riches

With your savings, not only are you prepared to take advantage of financial opportunities, you are also able to invest. You may invest in any vehicle that brings value, for example real estate, the stock market, and yourself. Saving alone will not allow you to complete your rags to riches story, you will need to invest such that your money/assets make money on their own. You will need to invest such that your money works for you instead of you working for money.

On a basic level, any investment that you make after doing your due diligence is an investment in yourself. However, making an active and purposeful decision to invest in your education is a must. Your investment may be in education to increase your knowledge in your field of study/profession or in financial literacy. 

As your money/assets grow, so must your financial knowledge.  If not, you risk regressing and losing what you have worked for. Do not forget, there are equally many riches to rags stories as there are rags to riches stories. You must purposefully manage your money/assets and understand how money works to maintain and grow your wealth. Your financial literacy is important.

The Element Of Luck In Your Rags To Riches Story

Luck is essential but hardly recognized
Luck is essential, but hardly recognized

Luck is essential, but one of the least recognized component of a rags to riches story. Let’s face it, many hate to admit that luck played a role in getting from rags to riches. Most want to attribute all their riches to their own hard work and dedication. This is false. Many toil their entire lives and remain in poverty. While hard work plays a role, luck and the people around you also contribute to your success.

Luck is a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Luck is the convergence of resources and opportunity. What you will notice as a constant theme throughout life is that the harder and smarter you work, the luckier you will be. The harder and smarter you work, the more opportunities will be open to you; the luckier you will be; the more you will find that you are in the right place at the most opportune time. 

Luck requires preparation. You must be ready when the opportunity presents itself, otherwise, your luck will turn into a life changing missed opportunity.

Write your own rags to riches story by playing the money game, investing in yourself and being ready to act when an opportunity presents itself.


We have all heard a rags to riches story. It is now time to have your own story. While we all day dream about winning the lottery, or inheriting riches, most rags to riches stories are not a result of a quick transfer of wealth. The fact is, most rags to riches stories are a result of making difficult, wise and consistent financial decisions over time. Journey to financial independence and write your own rags to riches story.

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Video Summary

Write your rags to riches story!
